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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1971 str. 35     <-- 35 -->        PDF

On the basis of the results obtained the author has reached the following conclusions:

1. Self-fertilizations in autochthonous Lindens of this country is variously
successful. The author assumes that in Large-leaved Linden self-fertilization is a
rare phenomenon, because he has only succeeded in one case to obtain one plant
which owing to low vitality perished.
In Small-leaved Linden and Tomentose Linden self-fertilization is probably a
more frequent phenomenon. Through controlled hybridization 33—50% plants were
obtained in self-pollination. From which it also can be concluded that such a method
can be used in improvement works on the mentioned two species.

2. Intraspecific hybridization gave best results in Small-leaved Linden where
7—100% pollinated flowers gave sound fruits which germinated. In the second place
is Large-leaved Linden with 4—29% plants. The third place is occupied by Tomentose
Linden with 7—16°/o plants.
A relatively low percentage of obtained plants out of the total of pollinated
flowers in all three species suggests a low fertility of flowers.

3. Interspecific hybridization between all three Lindens is successful with the
understanding that the percentage of obtained plants is low. The best results were
achieved in crossing Tomentose Linden with Large-leaved Linden. When studying
the taxonomic problems of autochthonous Lindens of this country we should also
take into account the possibility of their mutual crossing.
Chair for Forest Genetics and Dendrology
Forestry of Faculty, University of Zagreb