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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1971 str. 16     <-- 16 -->        PDF

18. F 1 e i s ch e r H. O.: »An anatomical comparison of refractory and easily treated
Douglas fir heortwood«. — Amer. Wood Pres. Ass., 46, 152—157, 1950.
19. Frey-Wyssling A., Bosshard H. H. and Mühlethaler K.: »Die submikroskopische
Entwiklung der Hoftüpfeln«. — Planta 47, (2): 115—126, 1956.
20. F u r u s a w a K.: »Studies on the Penetration of »Karamatsu« (Larix Kaempferi
Sarg.) by Creosote Oil«. — Bulletin of the Government Forest Experiment
Station. No. 76, 1954, p. 169/174.
21 Greave s H.: »The effect of bacterial action on some wood cubes in shake
culture«. — Material und Organismen, Beihefte 1, pp. 61—7, 1965.

22. Greave s H.: »Micromorphology of the bacterial attack of wood«. — Wood Sci.
Technol., 3, pp. 150—66, 1969.
23. Greave s H i Lev y J. F.: »Comparative degradation of the sapwood of scots
pine, beech and birch by Lenzites trabea, Polystictus versicolor, chaetomium
globosum and Bacillus polymyxa«. — Journ. Inst. Wood Sci., 15, pp. 55—63, 1965.
24. G r i f f i n G. J.: »Bordered pits in Douglas Fir; A study of the position of the
torus in mountain and lowland grown specimen in relation to creosote penetration
«. — Amer. Journ. of Forestry, XVIII, 813—22, 1919.
25. Griffi n G. J.: »Further note on the position of the tori in bordered pits in
relation to penetration of preservatives«. — Amer. Journ. of Forestry XXII,
82—3, 1924.
26. H a rad a H.: »Further observation on the pit structure of Wood«. — J. Jap.
Wood Res. Soc, 10, 6, p. 22—5, 1964.
27. H a r a d a H., Miyazaki Y., and Wakashima T.: »Electron microscopic
investigation on the cell ´wall structure of wood«. — Bull. For. Exp. Stat. Meguro,
Tokyo, Japan, No. 104, 1958.
28. Harri s J. M.: »Heartwood formation in Pinus radiata. D. Don«. — New Phytologist,
53, 517—24, 1954.
29. Har t C. A. i T h o m a R. J.: »Mechanism of bordered pit aspiration as caused
by capillarity«. — For. Prod. J., Vol 17, No. 11, p. 61—8, 1967.
30. Hu b e r B.: »Die Gefässleitung«. — Iz »Handbuch der Pflanzenphysiologie« Vol.
3, p. 541—82, 1956.
31. J a y m e G. and Fenge l D.: »Untersuchungen über den Feinbau der Tüpfelschliesshäute
in Fichtenholz unter Anwendung einer Feuchtpräparationsmethode
«. — Holz als Roh- u. Werkstoff 17, No. 6: 226—230, 1959.
32. J u 11 e S. M. and Spi t B. J.: »The submicroscopic Structure of bordered pits
on the radial walls of tracheids in Parana Pine, Kauri and Europian Spruce.«
— Holzforsch. 17, 6, pp. 168—75, 1963.
33. Kishima T. i Hayaski S.: »On the Closure of bordered Pitpairs in coniferous
tracheids«. — Wood Research, 27, 22—39, 1962.
34. Knut h D. T.: »Bacteria associated with wood products and their effects on
certain chemical and physical properties of wood«. — Ph. D. Thesis, Univ. of
Wisconsin, pp. 186, 1964.
35. Knut h D. I. i McCo y E.: »Bacterial deterioration of pine logs in storage
ponds«. — For. Prod. Journ. 12 (9), pp. 437—42, 1962.
36. Kolj o B.: »Die Abhängigkeit der Tränkmittelaufnahme des Holzes von verschiedenen
Faktore unter Berücksichtigung von Kiefer und Fichte«. — Holz a.
Roh- u. Werkstoff, 11, 305—311, 1953.
37. Konstantnaj a A. A.: »Microscopic investigations on the wood of spruce
and larch damaged by wood staining fungi«. — Botan. Zurn. SSSR, 49, pp.
105—9, 1964. (Iz For. Abstr. 25:4292).
38. Krahme r R. L.: »Anatomical features of permeable and refractory Douglas-
fir.« — For. Prod. J., 11, 439—441, 1961.
39. Krahme r R. L. i Cot e W. A. Jr.: »Changes in coniferous Wood Cells associated
with Heartwood formation«. — TAPPI, 46, 1, p. 42—9, 1963.
40. K r a p i v i n a I. G.: »Destruction of the secondary layer of the cell wall by blue
stain fungi«. — Les. Žurn. Arhangelsk, 3, pp. 130—3, 1960. (Translation C. S.
I. R. O., No. 5329).
41. Krapivin a I. G.: »Changes produced by mould fungi in wood«. — Vest.
Mosk. Univ. Ser. Biol., 17 (5), pp. 47—51, 1962 (Iz Rev. Appl. Mycol., 43:1769).
42. Lies e W.: Über die Eindringung von Öligen Schutzmitteln in Fichtenholz«. —
Holz a. Roh. u. Werkstof, 9, 374—8, 1951.