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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1970 str. 22 <-- 22 --> PDF |
Productive capacity. In the Eumediterranean area the diameters b. h. and heights of Brutian Pine trees are on an average greater than in Aleppo Pine, and their quality is much ´better; with respect to the growth production both the mentioned Pine species outyield Austrian Pine. In the area of Carpinetum orientalis Brutian Pine develops more rapidly and better than Aleppo and Austrian Pines. On good sites of the lower limit of Seslerio-Ostryetum Brutian Pine still remains in good condition; even in less good localities its dimensions are slightly greater than in Austrian Pine, but its stem quality and vitality are worse. Brutian Pine is less exposed to attacks of the Pine Processionary Moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa Schiff.) than Austrian Pine. Economic significance. Owing to its higher growth rate, good stem quality and good ecological adaptability under good environmental conditions of the mentioned vegetation zones, Brutian Pine is more valuable from the economic standpoint than Aleppo and Austrian Pines. Owing to its wide-spreading, dense, dark-coloured and well-formed crown Brutian Pine is very suitable for a rational establishment of the so-called tourist forests (camping, beaches, seaside resorts, etc.) especially if through selection convenient biotypes are raised. Bioecological criteria for the expansion of the area. In the northern region of the Yugoslav part of the Adriatic Brutian Pine can successfully be introduced into these localities (if all factors are taken into consideration): a) by altitudinal zones — from the sea-shore up to about 250 (300) m, and on better sites up to about 350 (400) m, b) by climatic zones — in the Eumediterranean area and the warmer part of the sub-Mediterranean area (sites not exposed to strong northerly winds), c) according to the pedosphere — in the Eumediterranean and lower sub^Mediterranean areas into all deeper soils, in the upper zones of the warmer sub-Mediterranean area into the more fertile soils, d) by vegetation zones — into the associations Orno-Quercetum ilicis, Orno-Cocciferetum, Carpinetum orientalis, Castanetum quarnaricum and Seslerio-Ostryetum carpinetosum orientalis, e) according to plant indicators — into the natural and artificial areas of Olea europaea and Ficus carica, Smilax aspera, Asparagus acutifolius (god vitality and frequency), Phillyrea sp. and Pistacia sp. |