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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1969 str. 14     <-- 14 -->        PDF

O 1 b e r g, A., Röh r ig E.: Waldbauliche Untersuchungen über die Weisstanne im
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Forstwesen 59. Heft 11, 1933.

Schubert , R.: Über das Tannensterben Allg. Forst und Jagdzeitung Frankfurt

a. M. 106 Jahrgang, August 1930.
Schimitschek , E.: Zusammenhänge zwischen Kulturmassnahmen und Schädlingsauftreten
Mittelungen der Akademie der Deutschen Forstenwissenschaft,
2, 1947.

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fundella F. R.) Šum. list 5—6, 1968.

S t o c k 1, J.: Schwierigkeiten bei der Bervirtschaftung der Tanne an der Grenze
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Forstwesen 67, 1941.

Š a f a r, J.: Problem sušenja jele i naèin gospodarenja na Macelj Gori. šum. list
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T s c h e r m a k, L.: Die Tannenfrage im Wienerwald, Centralblatt für das gesamte
Forstwesen, 67 Jahrgang. Heft 7/8, 1941.

Vajda , Z.: Moljac jelovih iglica u sastojinama Gorskog kotara, Šum. list 9, 10,

Wiedemann ,
E.: Untersuchungen über das Tannensterben, Forstwiss. Centralblatt,
Berlin 1927.



The authors analyse the causes of a catastrophic dieback of Silver Fir (Abies
alba Mill.) in natural forests of Croatia and Slovenia. They point at different interpretations
given by foreign and domestic authors who were considering the
cause of Silver Fir dieback in the past period. The authors assess the role of the
Fir needle moth (Argyresthia fundella F. R.) in the dying away of natural Fir
stands in the Gorski Kotar, Lika and Croatian Seabord regions, which affected
an area of ca. 100,000 ha, and proceeds spreading out with smaller or greater intensity.
They present also some biological and ecological characteristics of this insect
pest which have been established so far and state that these have not been sufficiently

The authors take into consideration the economic consequences arising from
the dieback, and they specify the multifold damage which is of significance not
only to forestry and the timber industry but also to agriculture, to water- and
electro-economy, traffic, Public Health and tourism.

Presented is also an example concerning the diminution of increment established
by exact measurements of several years´ duration in the region of the demonstration
forest, district of Zalesina. This diminution may amount to as much
as 5070 of the annual accretion of Silver Fir. Therefore, the authors remind us that
this is a problem which surpasses by its significance the framework of one Republic,
and is of interest to the whole country. Efforts should be initiated as soon
as possible to solve this problem within the framework of a scientific macroproject,
the more so as it cannot be completely solved by repressive measures, i. e.
by controlling the insect pest through sprays from aircraft. For a complete solution
complex investigations are a necessity which would suggest the way of saving
the hitherto intact stands and to reconstruct the ravaged forests.