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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1968 str. 26     <-- 26 -->        PDF

Data on the maximum nail withdrawal resistance are presented in Tab. 3, while
such data relating to the nailing depth of 10 mm. are found in Tab. 4. The results
of testing by using the null hypothesis are given in Tab. 5.

From these investigations it may be concluded that maximum withdrawal
resistance was found in White Willow and the lowest in the wood of ´mairilandica´
Poplar. The difference between these two extreme values recorded amounts in
radial plane to 42ll7» and in tangential plane to 33l"/o. The nail-holding power recorded
in wood was higher in tangential plane, and the difference between the extreme
values in the Euramerican Poplars was 18%>, and in the Willow only 43/o.

The ´wood of the Euramerican Poplars was more homogeneous, which yielded
a lower dispersion of the results. Non-significant differences — at the l"Vo level —
were obtained only for tests of the woods of the ´robusta´ and ´marilandica´ Poplars,
while in all other instances the differences were statisticaly significant.