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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1968 str. 52     <-- 52 -->        PDF

wounds infiltrates — according to the authors´ assumption — the causative agent of
the mentioned changes, which is unknown so far.

Depending upon the quality and size of the plant used and the environmental
conditions the homogeneity of the wood structure is differently decomposed. In
some plantations — as assumed for the plantation in Baranja — the homogeneity
had more strongly been decomposed in the course of the first growing season already.

Morphological signs of the change of the consistency os the interior structure
of wood are the brown-red discolorations of the central part of the stem, and in
the work this is represented by graphs and photographs.

Different temperature conditions are only releasing factors for the internal decomposition
process to be revealed as a shake.

The moment of cracking will depend on the relationship of these two factors.
Namely, there are some stems which crack for the first time even after the fifth
growing period.

The authors suggest that the phenomenon be studied as a specific one, and that
until a complete clarification of the correlative connections of all causative agents
this phenomenon should not be identified with »frost crack«, but that one should
treat it merely as the cracking of trees raised from 2-year plants.