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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1968 str. 70 <-- 70 --> PDF |
Prilikom klijanja polena molike na ravnom staklu u Petrijevim šoljama na rastvoru glikoze + 2% agara, dobiveni su vrlo slabi rezultati. 2. Klijanje polena Pinus peuce na sobnoj temperaturi gde se ona kolebala između 15 (noću) i 25° (danju) daje vrlo dobre rezultate. U toku prva dva dana klija mali deo polenovih zrnaca (oko 25% od ukupne količine), ali do kraja ogleda (svaki je ogled trajao po 6 dana) veći deo polena je proklijao. 3. Najveći procenat proklijalih polenovih zrnaca zapažen je, i to kod sva tri ogleda, između drugog i trećeg dana. LITERATURA 1. AljbenskiA . V.: Selekcija drevesnyh porod i semenovodstvo. Moskva, 1959. 2. Bern er H. - C h r i s t i a n s e r: On the extraxtion of Forest Tree Pollen frominflorescens. » genetika«. No. 7. 1958. 3. Worsley : The processing of Pollen. »Silviae genetika«. 1959. 4. Worsley : Pollen fractionation — a method of increasing the viability of Pollen samples. »Silvae genetika«. 1959. 5. Duff i eld: Studies of extraxtion storage and Testing of Pine. »Zeitschrift für Forsgenetic« No. 3. 1954. 6. Dakov-Dobrinov : Genetika i selekcija na drevesnite vidove (II čast). Sofija, 1962. 7. Jablokov : Selekcija drevesnyh porod. Moskva, 1962. 8. Kantor J.-Pospišil J.: Pešteni lesu (Ideo). Praha, 1960. 9. Kotelova-Ljubavskaja: Rukovodstvo k vypolneniju laboratornyh zanjatij po selekciji. Moskva, 1962. 10. Lehotsk y L.: Šlachtenie lesnych drevin. Bratislava, 1965. 11. Mamae v S. A.: Biologičeskie osobennosti pyljey sosny iz razlicnyh rajonov Urala. »Introdukcija i selekcija rastenij na Urale«. Vypusk 42. Sverdlosk, 1965. 12. Nekrasov a T. I.: O značenii žoltoj i rozovoj okraski mužskih šišek u vidov Pinus. »Bot. žurn.« br. 7. Moskva, 1959. 13. Pjatnicki : Praktikum po lesnoj selekciji. Moskva, 1961. 14. Pospiši l J.: Cvičeni že šlechteni lesnych drevin. Praha, 1959. 15. Stanle y R.: Viable Pine Pollen Stared 15 Years Produces Unsoud Seed »Silvae genetica« No. 5—6. 1962. 16. Chir a E.: O nakličovani pelu druhu Pinus edulis Engelnanii s viae ako haploidnim poekom chromozomov. »Biologija« No. 4. Bratislava, 1967. BIOLOGY OF THE GERMINATION OF PINUS PEUCE GRIS. POLLEN UNDER LABORATORY CONDITIONS (»IN VITRO«) Summary When testing the germination of Pinus peuce pollen »in vitro« under varying room temperatures the author has established as follows: 1. Freshly collected pollen of Pinus peuce germinates best on 3"/o-, 25´Vo-, 20B/oand 1´%-glucose solution + 2°/i>-agar solution. Nearly the same results (apart from insignificant differences) were obtained by the author when using glucose solution alone. In this case the best results were obtained when the following concentrations of glucose were used: 25;l/o, 10D/o, 3% and 5´%. When letting the pollen of Macedonian Pine (Pinus peuce) germinate on flat glass in Petri-dishes on glucose + 2n/o-agar solutions very poor results were obtained, for which reason this method is not recommended. 2. The germination of Pinus peuce at room temperatures fluctuating between 15´ (at night) and 25° (in daytime) was very good. During the first two days germinates a relatively small percent of pollen grains (ca. 25´Vo of the total amount) but by the end of the sixth day (which was the duration of each experiment) the majority of pollen grains germinated. 3. The highest percent of germinating pollen grains was noticed to occur in most cases between the second and third days of pollen sowing. fi8 |