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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1968 str. 50 <-- 50 --> PDF |
40. Š p a n o v i ć, T. (1954): Vrbe naših podunavskih ritova. Šum. List, Zagreb, br. 9—10. 41. T o d a, R. (1958): Variation and Heritability of Some Quantitative Characters in Cryptomeria. Silvae Genetica 7, pp. 87—93. 42. Toda, R. -Nakumura, K.-Satoo, T. (1959): The Heritability of Tree Height and Stem Girth in Cryptomeria Trought Sexual Reproduction. Silvae Genetica 8, pp. 43—49. 43. To da, R. (1963): Mass Selection and Heritability Studies in Forest Tree Breeding. FAO, Proc. World Cons. For. Gen. Tree Impr. I.: 2a/2. 44. Toda , R. (1965): Preservation of Gene Pool in Forest Tree Populations. IUFRO, Meeting, Zagreb 13—17 September, 5 pp. 45. Va n Buitenen , J. P. (1962): Heritability Estimates of Wood Density in Loblolly Pines. Tappi Vol. 47 (7). pp. 602—605. 46. Vidaković , M. (1958): Investigations on the Intermediate Type between the Austrian and the Scots Pine. Silvae Genetica, 7 (1). pp. 12—18. 47. Vidaković , M. (1966): Genatika i oplemenjivanje šumskog drveća, Zagreb, 277 pp. 48. Vidaković , M. (1960): Semenske plantaže šumskog drveća. Jugosl. Savet. centar za poljoprivredu i šumarstvo, Beograd, 83 pp. 49. Vidaković , M. (1963): Međuvrsno križanje Pančićeva omorike (Picea omorika) Pančić (Purkyne) sa sitkanskom smrčom (Picea sitchensis/Bong/Carr.), Šumarstvo, Beograd, 10/12, pp. 337—342. 50. Vidaković , M. (1965): Selekcija plus stabala. IUFRO Meeting, Zagreb, 13—17 September, 16 pp. 51. Wagner-Ortman n (1958): Anbau und Nutzung der Flechtweiden. Deutscher Bauernverlag, 206 pp. 52. Wright , W. J. (1962): Genetics of Forest Tree Improvement. Rome, 399 pp. 53. Wright , J. W. (1963): Genetics Variation on among 140 half-sib Scots Pine Families derived from 9 Stands. Silvae Genetica, 12, 3, pp. 83—89. 54. Zarger , T. G. (1965): Performance of Loblolly Shortleaf and Eastern White Pine Superseedlings. Silvae Genetica 14, Heft 6, pp. 182—186. 55. Žufa , L. (1963): Proizvodnja sadnica vrba stablašica. Topola 7 (36—37), pp. 28—32. 56. Žufa , L. (1963): Drvna masa i prirast bele vrbe u prirodnim formacijama. Topola, 7 (37—37), pp. 63—69. 57. Žufa , L. (1964): Varijabilnost i nasljednost pravnosti stabla crne topole Srednjeg podunavlja. Zagreb, (Dizertacija). 58. Žufa . L. (1965): Prilog proučavanju nasljednosti oblika debla eurameričklh topola. Topola, 9 (52—54). pp. 28—32. 59. *** (1957): Jugoslavenski standard za drvo (JUS). Jgsl. Zavod za standardizaciju, Beograd. VARIABILITY AND HERITABILITY OF THE HEIGHTS AND NUMBERS OF BRANCHES IN WHITE WILLOW (Salix alba L.) POPULATIONS AT BAKOVCI AND LIPOVLJANI Summary Pei formed were investigations into the variability and heritability of stem heights and number of branches within two grown-up populations of White Willow (Salix alba L.) the one at Bakovci (Drava River), the other at Lipovljani (Sava River), also in one-year-old and two-year-old generative progenies descending from the mentione´d populations. Generatve progeny from the Bakovci population was raised from the seed obtained through free pollination and collected from four mother trees, while in the Lipovljani population the seed was collected and the plants raised from six mother trees. Seedlings were raised under the same ecological conditions and tending measures. Data concerning the stem heights and number of branches in grown-up Bakovci and Lipovljani populations, and in their generative progenies were statistically processed (Tabs. 1 and 2) and are graphically represented (Graphs 1 and 3). Heritability |