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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1968 str. 49 <-- 49 --> PDF |
14. Giertych , M. M. (1965): Adapting Provenance Trials Towards most Efficient Selection and Prezervation of Desirable Forest Populations. IUFRO Meeting, Zagreb 13—17, September, 13 pp. 15. Hanover, J. W. and Barnes, B. V. (1962): Heritability of Height Growth in Year-old Wester White Pine. Proceedings of a Forest Genetics Workshop, Macon, pp. 71—76. 16. Hattcmer , H. H. (1963): Estimates of Heritability published in Forest Tree Breeding Research. World Consultation on Forest Genetics and Tree Improvement, 2 a/3, Stockholm. 17. Hut tern er, H. H. (1965): Zwei Indizes aus Blattmerkmalen und ihre Verwendung bei der Identifikation von Schwarzpappelklcnen. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenzüchtung, Bd 53, Heft 4, pp. 371—379. 18. Herpka , I. (1964): On ihe Variability of the Length of Wood Fibers and the Specif.c Gravity of Wood in a Natural Population of White Willow (S. alba L.) in the Inundation Area of the Danube. FAO (CIP) 1953, Rome, 7 pp. 19. Hunziker , J. H. (1958): Estudios citogeneticos en Salix Humbcltiana y en sauces hibridos triploides cultivados en la Argentina, Rev. Im. Agric. Buenos Aires, No. 2. 20. Jablokov , A. S. (1962): Selekcija drevesnyh porod, Moskva, 487 pp. 21. Kleinschmit , R. (1955): Einzelstammabsaaten von Plusvarianten der Europäischen Lärche (Larix deeidua Miller) aus frei abgeblühten Saatgut als Hilfsmittel zur Beurteilung der Erbanlagen. Silvae Genetica 4, Heft 1, pp. 1—15. 22. Kriebel , H. B. (1965): Parental and Provenance Effects on Growth of Red Oak Seedlings. Procedings of Tree Improvement Conference Lincoln, pp. 19—25. 23. K r s t i n i ć, A. (1964): Prilog rješavanju problema uzgoja bijele vrbe. Topola, 8 (44), pp. 10—17. 24. Krstinić , A. (1967): Procjena stupnja nasljednosti visina i promjera za bijelu vrbu (Salix alba L.) izračunata iz klonskog testa kod starosti biljaka 1/1. Šum. List 1—2, pp. 48—53. 25. Krstinić^A . (1967): Varijabilnost i nasljednost boje izbojaka kod bijele vrbe (Salix alba L,.) populacija Bakovci i Lipovljani. (Magistarska radnja I dio). Šum. List 5—6, pp. 205—223. 26. K u de r a, J. (1960): Korištenje drvnih masa u industriji celuloze i papira. Topola 4 (15), pp. 5—6. 27. Lorković , Z. (1965): Oipća biologra — genetika IV dio, Zagreb, pp. 166. 28. May , S. (1960): Prva opažanja o oplemenjivanju vrba u Casale Monferrato. Topola 4 (13—14), pp. 2—4, (Prevod Inž. L. Žufa). 29. M e r gen, F. (1960): Variation and Heritabilily of Physiological and Morphological Trails in Norway Spruce, Fift World Forestry Congres. 5 pp. 30. Mutibarić , J. (1963): Karakteristike vrbovog drveta, njegova eksploatacija i upotreba. Topola 7 (36—37) pp. 70—85. 31. Ortmann , Chr. (1961): Vorläufige Untersuchungsergebnisse zur Frage der Selektionstypen für die Frühdiagnose von Salix alba Populationen. Silvae Genetica 10, Heft 2, pp. 33—64. 32. Petz , B. (1964): Osnovne statističke metode. Zagreb, 258 pp. 33. Righ t er, F. I. and R. Z. C a 1 la h a m (1958): A California Planting of Progenies of »Elite« and »Non elite« Pinus radiata from Australia. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service No. 135. pp. 34. Rohmeder , E. (1963): Experiments an Forest Tree Hybrids in Bavaria from 1936 to 1962. World Consultation on Forest Genetics and Tree Improvement, Stockholm, 26/1. 35. Serdar , V. (1961): Udžbenik statistike. Zagreb, 355 pp. 36. Singleton , W. R. (1962): Elementary Genetics. D. van Nostrand Company, INC., Toronto, New York, London, 482 pp. 37. Siwecki, R. - M. Giertych (1965): The Estimation of Genetic Parameters for Rooting Albility of Cuttings and one-year Height of Poplar Hybrids. Acta Societatis Bot. Pologniae, Vol. XXXIV, No. 3, pp. 533—547. 38. Stecki , Z. (1965): The Influence of Parental Affinity on the Degree of Heterosis in Poplar Hybrids IUFRO Meeting Zagreb, 13—17 September 10 pp. 39. Španović , T. (1932): Vegetativno pomlađivanje ritskih šuma. Šum. List Zagreb, pp. 359—373. 47 |