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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1967 str. 52     <-- 52 -->        PDF

Tabela 10

Postoci rentabilnosti po šumsko-uredajnim đebljinskim stepenima


ni debljinski 22,5 27,5 32,5 37,5 42,5 47,5 52,5 57,5 62,5 67,5 72,5 77,5 82,5 87,5

stepeni — cm


rentabilnosti —12,88 16,40 35,29 48,00 57,04 63,60 68,37 71,93 74,02 75,09 74,65 73,60 72,22 70,43

Kako se iz podataka prikazanih u tabeli 10 i na slici 8 vidi najrentabilniji

šumsko-uređajni debljinski stepen jele (Abies alba Mill.) za pilansku preradu

je debljinski stepen od 67,5 cm, a šumsko-uređajni debljinski stepen od 27,5

cm predstavlja prag rentabilnosti pri pilanskoj preradi.

Pilanski trupci izrađeni iz jelovih stabala koja na temelju prsnog promjera

pripadaju šumsko-uređajnom debljinskom stepenu od 22,5 cm ne rentiraju se

za pilansku preradu u jugoslavenskim uvjetima proizvodnje i načina prerade.



In Yugoslavia Silver Fir (Abies alba Mill.) is an autochthonous forest tree
species and to the technological process of Firwood conversion.
Yugoslav specialists ascribe a specific importance to investigations of the Fir
species and to the technological process of Firwood conversion.

In Tables 1 and 2 is given the number of Fir trees and the number of sawlogs
distributed over management diameter sub-classes taken into consideration for these
investigations. From the Tables it is visible that we had at our disposal 14 management
diameter sub-classes of 5 cm. width (from 22.5 to 87.5 cm.).

In Tables 3 and 4 is represented the quality structure of Fir sawlogs in total
and according to the management diameter sub-classes.

In Table 5 is shown the percentage of utilization of Fir logs in the sawmill.
This percentage increases with the higher management sub-classes.

In the management sub-class of 22.5 cm. the utilization percentage in the sawmill
amounts to 72.90, and in the sub-class of 87.5 cm to 77.00.

In Table 6 is represented the quality structure of Fir sawn timber according
to the management sub-classes, and in Table 7 the mean quality numbers (average
values) per 1 cu.m. of Fir sawn timber.

The mean quality numbers are the function of the quality and the unit (limited)
prices per 1 cu.m. of Fir sawn timber. They increase with the higher management
diameter sub-classes and culminate in the 62.5 and 67.5 cm. diameter sub-classes,
after which they display a tcdcncy of slow decrease.

In table 8 are presented the cost prices per 1 cu.m. and management diameter
sub-classes calculated on the ground of the basic-technological time (in the process
of production) which was measured and statistically processed.

The highest cost price per 1 cu.m. of Fir sawn timber is in the 22.5 cm. management
diameter sub-class, and it amounts_ to 33,793 old dinars, and the smallest
in the 67.5 cm. diameter sub-class, where it amounts to 17,477 old dinars per 1 cu.m.
of Fir sawn timber.

In Table 9 is presented the profit per 1 cu.m. of Fir sawn timber and by the
management diameter sub-classes. The highest profit is yielded by the 67.5 cm.
management diameter sub-class, and it amounts to 13,123 old dinars.