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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1967 str. 84     <-- 84 -->        PDF

The mortality in the controls was 16"/o in total, (Graph 16) of which the normal
mortality accounted for 4l;´,o, while the remainnig 127o kill was due to atacks
of tachina flies.


On the basis of the performed experiments it was found:
a) that the boric acid applied alone has an insecticidal effect although a very

poor one;
b) added to the biopreparation boric acid increases its insecticidal efficiency;
c) the addition of boric acid to the biopreparation stimulates the caterpillars

to a more intensive eating and thus they are introducing into their body
more contaminated food, whereby also the possibility of infection increases.

The mechanism of the activity of boric acid has not been studied thoroughly
as yet. The authors assume that boric acid stimulates the development of latent
organisms found in the digestive tract of the insects, while under normal conditions
they are harmless for them.

This problem calls for a protracted study, and it is going to be the subject of
further investigations by the authors.
This conclusion relates to the article by Opatički K. and S. published in »Sum. List« 11/12
1966. under the title: »Possibility of increasing the insecticidal efficiency of the home-made
bacterial biopreparation Baktukal«.

Opalički K. i S.



The author discusses the problem of raising resistant Spruce stands in the
Gorski Kotar region, Croatia. He examines the occurrence of Picea excelsa var. viminalis
Caspary. Further, he underlines the advantages of this variety as compared
with European Spruce especially as regards its greater resistance to damage from
ice and snow, and proposes an exhaustive study of its silvicultural and technological
characters. He recommends that when establishing new Spruce stand this variety
should be spread over as wide areas as possible.

This summary relates to the article by Vajda Z. published in »Sum. List« 11/12 1966. under
the title: »Raissing resistant Spruce stands In the Gorski Kotar region«.

Vajda Z,



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