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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1966 str. 17 <-- 17 --> PDF |
MONIMA INCERTA HUFN. (NOCTUIDAE, LEPIDOPTERA) A NEW INSECT PEST OF POPLARS Summary In the spring of 1963 caterpillars of Monima incerta Hufn. jointly with caterpillars of Himera pennaria L. (Geometridae, Lepidoptera) appeared in overpopulation causing complete defoliation on 12 ha. of a Poplar plantation called »Vijuš« near SI. Brod, Croatia. Monima incerta Hufn. is a very polyphagous insect. Many forest and fruit tree species and herbaceous plants were reported hosts of this insects, but no mass outbreak has occurred in Yugoslavia to date. After a brief morphological description the author presents some more important data on the life cycle and habits of this insect. It has been found that Monima incerta Hufn. produces one generation a year in this country. The moths fly from mid-March to late April, visiting frequently Willow catkins in the evening. Females deposit their eggs on twigs near the buds. Caterpillars leave the eggs at a time when the trees are flushing and they begin to feed on leaves. The larval stage lasts about two months, and full-grown caterpillars enter the ground, where pupation occurs. Their pupae hibernate there. During the outbreak in the plantation of »Vijuš« a great number of predators and parasites were observed, such as Calosoma sycophanta L. and C. inquisitor L. (Carabidae), the well-known predators of the gipsy moth, and in addition, and hymenopterous parasite Cryptus laborator Thunb. (Ichneumonidae) was found. The activity of these natural enemies of Monima incerta Hufn. was so effective that there was no outbreak the following year. . 415 |