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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/1966 str. 16     <-- 16 -->        PDF

ring scale should be so set up that middle of the red coincidens with the middle
of the height increment.

C. Interpretation (see Fig. 1)
Taking into cosideraticn that the sizes of the pictures are identical (i. e. the
picture of »a« is equal to the size of the picture »b« because we used the picture of
rod as a measuring scale), also the angles of view are identical, i. e. a» = a*Accordingly

COS2/?l C0S2#2 COS2$2

a = = b = a = b

1 1

We shall obtain the magnitude of the height increment (»a«) in the manner that
with the photograph of the rod we measure the photograph of the height increment,
and then determine the »b« value, which amount shall then be multiplied with the
factor cos2/?2./cos2/Ji. (Examples: see Fig. 2).