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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1966 str. 30     <-- 30 -->        PDF

(G) by the corresponding form-height (hf), and we obtain the increment of the
standing crop according to diameter gradations by multiplying the volume of the
diameter gradations, by c-amount and by the smoothed average annual diameter
increment (id).
In the second instance (Tab. 5) we compute the growing-stock volume according
to diameter gradations on the basis of the mean tree volume (v) of the individual
diameter gradation and the stem number (n) within this gradation. The volume
increment of the mean tree (iv.) in the diameter gradation is obtained by multiplying

the derivation (——) by the smoothed average annual diameter increment (i,j). The


increment of the stand volume expressed by diameter gradations is then equal to
the product of the stem number (n) in the diameter gradation with the mean tree
volume increment of this diameter gradation (iv).