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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1966 str. 28 <-- 28 --> PDF |
LITERATURA 1. Emrovi ć B.: Veličina slučajne greške kod određivanja voluTinog prirasta sastojine pomoću izvrtaka uz upotrebu tarifa, Šumarski list br. 1—2, 1958. 2. Emrovi ć B.: Die Ermittlung der Massenzuwachsprozente mit Hilfe des Tarifdifferenzverfahrens, Schweizerischen Zeitschrift für Forstwesen, Nr. 3, März 1960 S. 132—189. 3. Ha laj J.: Tabulky na určovanie hmoty a prirastku porastov, Bratislava, 1963. 4. Kl epa c D:. Rast i prirast šumskih vrsta drveća i sastojina, Zagreb, 1963. 5. Loetsc h F.: Massenzuwachserrnittlung durch Bohrspanproben unter Anwendung, mathematisch-statistischer Methoden, Zeitschrift für Weitforstwirtschaft 16 (3) 1953. 6. Meye r H. A. and Nelso n F. B.: Accuracy of Forest Growth Determination Based on the Measurement of Increment Cores. Bulletin 547, Pennsylvania State College, School of Agriculture, (3) 1952. 7. Meye r H. A.: Forest Mensuration, Pennsylvania, USA, 1953. 8. Suri ć S.: Jednoulazne tablice drvnih masa za jelu-smreku i za bukvu, Mali Šumarsko Tehnički priručnik, Zagreb, 1949. ŠURIĆ´S INTERPOLATED ONE-ENTRY VOLUME TABLES FOR FIR/SPRUCE AND BEECH Summary The one-entry volume tables — tariffs — become more and more required in the European countries´ Forest management. In Yugoslavia´s Forest management are largely used Šurić´s one-entry tables with five-tariff series for each individual forest tree species. Surić has constructed his volume tables by means of height curves obtained by the strip method and the two-entry volume tables, and, in addition, he controlled them through concrete test trees. Because of a too small number of tariff series the tables produce a marked error when calculating the growing-stock volume of a stand. Therefore were prepared Šurić´s new interpolated tables containing a greater number (nine) of tariff series for an individual tree species and thus a greater possibility of a more accurate stock-taking of a stand. The work was carried out graphically, i. e. between Surić´s height and form-height tariff series were graphically interpolated the new tariff series. The tariff series of tree volumes were computed on the basis of the diameters b. h. and form heights. Šurić´s interpolated tables were extended with derivations of the tariff series of tree volumes and their relative values. Hence the tables render the computation of the stand volume increment by Meyer´s method of tariff differences possible. As the analytical expressions of the tree volume curves are not known to us, we have computed for each diameter-class gradation of the individual tariff series by means of tabular derivation the amounts of derivation (dv/dd), which — after a graphical smoothing — we entered into the tables. The relative values of derivations dv 1 (c = —) were computed from the graphically smoothed values of derivations dd v as well as the mean volumes of the corresponding diameter gradation within the tariff series (Emrović, 2). |