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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1966 str. 83     <-- 83 -->        PDF

3. In the »Lipöwka« reserve (38) which covers remnants of the old Niepolomicka
Forest, 23 ha in area, lime is to be found together with oak and
e) Carici-elongatae-Alnetum, Circaco-Alnetum, Fraxino-Ulmetum,
Querco-Carpinetum — community.

In a few reserves populations of ash and black alder, both having great
economic importance are being protected. The most important ones are the
»Starozyn« reserve (39) in the Plaska Forest District, in the Augustowska
Forest, (183 ha) where 80—120 year old stand of ash hornbeam and black alder
being protected and the »Kozi Rynek« (40) reserve, (146,6 ha) where the same
species are growing together with spruce.

In western Poland, in Wielkopolska a few reserves were made» Debina«

(41) (30,4 ha) in area in the Durowo forest District; »Sarnice« (42) (2,5 ha) in
the Czeszewo Forest District, a forest primeval in type with rich species
admixture including ash, alder, maple, sycamore, birch, oak and lime in the
same Forest District is »Lutynia« reserve (43,4 ha) (43) and in voivodeship
Lodz »Wolörka« reserve (44) (3,5 ha).
In »Jakubowo« reserve (45) (4,2 ha) in area where besides Quercus robur,
lime, maple and sycamore, also beech 30 m in height can be found and in
»Grad nad Mogielnica« reserve (46) 8,9 ha in area are being protected oak
with an admixture of hornbeam.

f) Mixed forests

Pino-Quercetum and Querco-Betuletum.

Reserves of mixed forests, 20 in number protect forest communities
concentrated mainly in the lowland and upland regions of the country.
There are relatively small forest fragments with an area of a few to 15

or so hectars each, in which often monumental trees are designated.
Some of these reserves characterise the associations of primeval forests.
Due to their diversity as regards species composition, age and tree size

they can also have an importance in the protection of economically valuable
forest populations.
Some of them are presented in Table I.

Table 1

Reserves of mixed forests

Name of No on Forest area Species
Reserve the map District ha composition

Borek 47 Dabrowa Zielona 64,0 pine, oak
Las Piwnicki 48 Torun 25,8 pine, oak
Lisiny Bodzechowskie 49 Ostrowiec 31,8 primeval forest
Lopuchöwko 50 Lopuchöwko 9,8 pine, oak
Ostrowy nad Braniča 51 Ruda 2,1 pine, oak
Spala 52 Spala 55,9 pine, oak, hornbeam
Sokole Göry 53 Zloty Potok 215,9 natural forest
Sosny Taborskie 54 Tabörz 76,85 pine-abt. 200 yrs,

oak, lime, hornbeam
Nad Brodnica 55 Ruda 4,7 pine, oak