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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1966 str. 73 <-- 73 --> PDF |
13. Lerne r L. M. (1958): The genetic basis of selection. J. Willey Inc., New York, 298 pp. 14. Lindquis t B. (1954): Forstgenetik in der Schwedischen Waldbaupraxis. Neumann Verlag, Radebaul u. Berlin, 156 pp. 15. Lus h J. L. (1937): Animal breeding plans. 1 ed., Iowa State Coll. Press. 16. Minckle r L. S. (1953): Recent advances in the field of forest genetics. Illinois Academy of Science Transactions, vol. 46, pp. 56—62. 17. RohmederE. — Schönbach H. (1959): Genetik und Züchtung der Waldbäume. Paul Parey, Hamburg u. Berlin, 338 pp. 18. Schreine r E. J. (1950): Genetics in relation to forestry. J. For. 48 (1), pp. 33—38. 19. S c h r e i n e r E. J. (1958): Possibilities for genetic improvement in the utilization potentials of forest trees. Silvae Genet., 7 (4), pp. 109—136. 20. Schreine r E. J. (1962): Clonal or seedling seed orchards. 9th Ntheast. For. Tree Impr. Conf. pp. 53—58. 21. S t eb b in s G. L. (1950): Variation and evolution in plants. Columbia Univ. Press., pp. 42—53. 22. SternK . (1960): Plusbäume und Samenplantagen. Frankfurt a. Main, 116 pp. 23. Ster n K. (1964): Population genetics as a basis for selection. Unasylva, 73—74 (18), pp. 21—29. 24. To da R. (1963): Mass selection and heritability studies in forest tree breeding. World Consultation on Forest Genetics and Tree Improvement, 2a/2, Stockholm. 25. Tur es son G. (1922): The genotypical response of the plants species to the habitat. Hereditas, 3, pp. 211—350. 26. V i d a k o v i ć M. (1960): Semenske plantaže šumskog drveća (Seed plantation of forest tree species). Jug. Savet. Centar Poljopriv. Šumarstvo, Beograd, 83 pp. 27. Wrigh t J. W. (1962): Genetics of Forest Tree Improvement. FAO, Rome 399 pp. |