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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1966 str. 61 <-- 61 --> PDF |
and economically important characters (plus trees), or (b) among individuals which have a phenotype (and genotype) close to the mean of the group with respect to these same characters. Selections made under (a) have the advantage of representing the best portion of the population with respect to the characters under consideration. However, the individual thus selected (from the extreme values of frequency series of quantitative characters) will probably be to a greater extent of homozygous constitution, and it will represent to a smaller extent the variability of the gene pool of the population. In so far as our main objective is to preserve the variability of the gene pool, it would be more desirable to select a representative which by its characters would be near the mean value of the frequency series, for there is high probability that such a genotype is of heterozygous constitution. The progenies of the representative thus selected will reflect to a greater extent the gene pool of the parent population. For the selection of individual representatives of the gene pool of natural forests we recommed the following procedure. If only one representative is to be selected from the population, let us take it from the better portion (positive according to the characters) or from the middle of the frequency series. If two representatives are selected from one population, then choose them from the extreme positive or middle portion of the frequency series. Jf three representatives are selected, the third one should be chosen from the negative portion of the frequency series. We would recommed such a criterion of selection aiming at the preservation of the population gene pool. Otherwise, selection should be directed as for a plus tree, i.e. al the three representatives should be selected from the extreme positive portion of the frequency series. To preserve the natural variability of the gene pool, we would recommend a similar procedure for selection of representatives of the populations. Individuals should be chosen from the entire range of natural variation in proportion to their frequencies, and not only from the portion rated best according to its characters. In selecting representatives for provenance studies, however, it is recomended to be chosen dominant and codominant trees (Callaha m 1934). The selection of a group of trees of the best phenotype could also be considered in selection of the gene pool for preservation, if preference is not given to the variability of the population. According to Ster n (1960) the fear of loss of the natural gene pool because of artificial selection and of taking only certain representatives is not justified. By reasonable selection one obtains a new gene pool which be assessed in the same way as one which has passed trough natural selection. We consider that any artificial selection guided by definite criteria can improve the genetic composition of the population, even though it may be to the detriment of natural variability important for potential needs. The problem of how and what to choose also arises in the selection of group representatives if there is no apparent need to reproduce the gene pool found in nature. In selection of individual representatives, vegetative propagation represents no problem. However, vegetative propagation of a greater number of individuals of a population is more difficult, because of difficulties occurring in the collection of scions, grafting, etc. If group representatives are to be sexually propagated the seed should be collected by observing the following principles: (1) collect the seed from trees which most probably were fertilized by trees of the same population; |