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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1966 str. 60 <-- 60 --> PDF |
resistance to frost, drought, may later be required, although they are not considered very significant at present. The requirements will depend both on the development and needs of the wood-processing industries. It may happen, for instance, that some of the qualities considered today as poor ones will be in great demand in the future, as for instance a great quantity of branchwood. Besides, there is the possibility that some of the poor trees also possess the required genes, but in such combinations that these genes are concealed (Syrach La r sen 1958). Therefore, if the gene pool of natural forests is selected only on the basis of the characters which are today of economic importance we will not act correctly. We want to preserve the gene pool for the future, for future needs, and therefore we must maintain it in its natural variability. Only thus can we hope that the material selected on the basis of the qualities required today will potentially possess those characters which may be required in the future. CRITERIA FOR THE SELECTION OF THE GENE POOL TO BE PRESERVED In the selection of the genetic material of natural forests for preservation the main problems are: — what to select, — how to select, — how much to select. If we discuss the problem »what to select«, we should point out that the basic principle ought to be: selection of the hereditary material with the best expression of genetically related and economically important characters. But having in view also possible future needs which today are still unpredictable, the leading principle should also be to preserve the natural variability in the highest possible degree. The next problem selection is: whether to preserve the hereditary material in the form of individual population genotypes, i.e. in the form of plus trees or elite trees, or in the form of group representatives of populations, Plus trees are most often selected as parent trees for hybridization. In fact, the preservation of the gene pool has a similar objective: to make possible its reproduction and thereby also its improvement. Accordingly, in preserving the gene pool we are also taking into consideration the selection of individual representatives of the population. But if we take into account the already stressed need to preserve the genetic resources of natural forest in their full variability, then preference should be given to the selection of group representatives of populations. Inclusion of a greater number of genotypes of one population will preserve far more complete variability, and gene frequencies, i.e. all the typical heritable characteristics which, in fact, represent the gene pool of one population. The decision about the selection of the individual or group representatives of populations will depend on the form and type of the planting in which we wish and are able to preserve the hereditary material. Another problem of interest is the question of how and what to select under the assumption of one or other decision. If individual representatives are chosen, selection might be guided by the following principles: if only one representative is selected, it should be selected either (a) among individuals that are the best by their phenotypic expression of the genetically related |