prilagođeno pretraživanje po punom tekstu

ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1966 str. 5     <-- 5 -->        PDF

Ladies and gentlemen,

dear guests and comrades,

I have the honour and feel great pleasure to welcome on behalf of the
Federal Secretariat for Agriculture and Forestry this international meeting
of eminent scientists and experts-geneticists, who have assembled in this
country within the framework of the International Union of Forest Research
Organizations in order to discuss some important questions from this special
field of science.

I am especially pleased that Section 22 of the I.U.F.R.O. has chosen this
country as the place for its consultation about questions of plus tree selection,
preservation of natural forests gene pool, and heterosis between and within
the species.

In the post-war reconstruction of our forest economy the questions about
which research experiences will be interchanged at the present meeting, have
acquired a special significance for the further development of our silviculture,
and, because in recent years there have been achieved in this country results
noticed by the international forestry bodies especially as regards the production
of softwood, which would not have been possible without the mastering of
the scientific foundations and the practical application of the genetics and
selection in forestry.

In the hitherto economic development of our country we arrived at such
a development stage, that its further advancement is conditioned by the
intensification of economic activities based on the research work in all fields of
technology and economics. This is especially important for forestry for whose
progressive perspective there exist — besides the general socio-economical and
political conditions — also all the necessary and very favourable natural
conditions. This is the more valid as forestry in our country represents also
today exceptional economic potentialities, on which already now a developed
processing industry is based.

In order to change the foregoing mainly extractive character of our
forestry economy based on the utilization of forests as natural resources, and
to go as rapidly as possible over to a proper cultivation of forests and trees it
would be necessary — on the basis of a profound scientific notion of the natural
rules governing the forest vegetative world — to change by means of adequate
biotechnical interventions the natural spontaneous production of wood substance,
to subjugate it to society, and to direct it towards the economic aims of society.
This requires an as large investment of human labour and agrO|-«ilvotechnics
as possible in the cultivation of forests and trees. Herein lies the essence of
the intensification of forestry as a business.

In these efforts of modern forestry, forest genetics and tree improvement
should, as indeed they could, play an important role. That is why a considerable


ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1966 str. 6     <-- 6 -->        PDF

number of our forest experts and research workers, especially the younger
generation, are orientating themselves increasingly towards a mastering of the
achievements, practical application and further genuine elaboration of scientific
investigations and technology in this field of science. Herein, it is essential
that all efforts expended towards further investigations in this field should
constantly face the socio-economic aims and tasks within forestry, for their
actual value will be jugded only by the fact how much they will have
contributed trough silvicultural practice to an improvement and increase of

I believe that this meeting in discussing questions on its agenda will
contribute — from such an aspect — not only to the efforts expended to our
forest economy but also to those of world forestry. In addition, this meeting
will greatly influence the further development of inetrnational collaboration
among forest research workers and experts in the field of forest genetics and
tree improvement. With this object in mind I wish a full success to the work
of this meeting, and may our foreign guests feel in this country as at home,
and take away their best impressions.

Mirko Sučević
Deputy Federal Secretary
for Agriculture and Forestry

Gospođe i gospodo, dragi gosti

i drage drugarice i drugovi,

imam čast i veliko mi je zadovoljstvo da pozdravim, u ime Saveznog sekretarijata
za poljoprivredu i šumarstvo, ovaj međunarodni skup eminentnih
naučnika i stručnjaka genetičara u oblasti šumarstva, koji se u okviru Međunarodne
Unije šumarskih istraživačkih ustanova, okupio u našoj zemlji da
raspravlja o nekim važnim pitanjima iz ove naučne oblasti.

Posebno mi je drago što je 22 sekcija Međunarodne Unije šumarskih istraživačkih
ustanova izabrala za savjetovanje o pitanjima selekcije plus stabala,
sačuvanja genofonda prirodnih šuma i heterozisa unutarvrsnih i međuvrsnih
bastarda, našu zemlju. Ovo stoga što su, u posleratnoj izgradnji naše šumske
privrede, pitanja o kojima će se razmeniti istraživačka iskustva na ovom sastanku,
dobila poseban značaj za daljnji razvoj naše silvikulture i što su u
naišoj zemlji posljednjih godina postignuti, od međunarodne stručne javnosti,
zapaženi rezultati u savremenim oblicima, posebno u plantažnoj proizvodnji
mekog drveta, što ne bi bilo moguće bez osvajanja naučnih postavki i praktične
primene tekovina genetike i selekcije u šumarstvu.

U dosadašnjem privrednom razvitku naše zemlje dospeli smo do takvog
razvojnog stepena da je dalji njen napredak uslovljen intenzifikacijom privređivanja
zasnovane na naučno-istraživalačkom radu u svim oblastima tehnologije
i ekonomije. Ovo važi naročito za šumarstvo, za čiju progresivnu perspektivu,
sem opštih društveno-ekonomskih i političkih, postoje u našoj zemlji svi potrebni,
vrlo povoljni prirodni uslovi. Ovo tim pre što šumarstvo u našoj zemlji
i danas predstavlja izuzetan privredni potencijal na kome već sada počiva razvijena
prerađivačka industrija.