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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1966 str. 41 <-- 41 --> PDF |
D uf field, J. W., 1955: Selecting plus trees for our seed orchards. — Ind. For. Assoc, Oregon. Ehr en berg, C, Eklundh, 1963: Genetic variation in progeny tests of Scots pine (Pinus silvestris L.). — Stud. For. Suec, 10: 1—135. Ehrenberg, C, Gustafsso n, A., Plym Forshell, C, and Simak. M., 1955: Seed quality and the principles of forest genetics. — Hereditas, 41: 291—366. E r i c s o n, B., 1959: A mercury immersion method for determining the wood density of increment core sections. — Rapp. Avd. Skogsprod., Skogsforskn. inst., 1. Stockholm. E r i c s o n, B., 1960 a: Latewood percentage, density and volumetric shrinkage in wood of Picea abies (L.) Karst, f. virgata Jacq. A comparison with Picea abies. — Ibid. 2. Eric s on, B., 1960 b: Studies of the genetical wood density variation in Scots pine and Norway spruce. — Ibid. 4. E r i c s o n, B, 1961: Skogsträdsförädling med sikte pa ökat massautbyte. Nagra prelimmara forskningsresultat. (Forest tree breeding with a view to raising the yield of pulp. Some preliminary results.) — Medd. Skogsforskn. inst., Stockholm, Šer. Uppsatser, 81. Reprint from Tek. -Vetenskaplig Forskn., 32: 194—203. ^ Falconer , D. S., 1960: Quantitative genetics. — Edinburgh, London. Gustafss o n, A., 1949: Conifer seed plantations: their structure and genetical principles. — Proc. Ill World For. Cong., Helsingfors, 117—119. G u s t a f s s o n, A., 1962: Genetik och vaxtförädling i skogsbrukets tjänst. (Genetics and plant breeding as applied to Swedish forestry.) -— Sv. Skogsv. fören. Tidskr., 60: 111—150. (With an English summary.) Hazel, L. N., 1943: The genelic basis for constructing selection indexes. — Genetics, 28: 476—490. Hazel. L. N. and Lush, J. L., 1942: The efficiency of three methods of selection. — Jour. Hered., 33: 393—399. Hinkelmann , K., 1960: Kreuzungspläne zur Selektionszüchtung bei Waldbäumcn Silvae Genetica, 9: 121—133. Jensen , H., 1934: The establishment of forest tree seed orchards at Ramlösa 1941— 1954. — Acta Horti Gotoburgensis, 19: 157—192. J o h n s s o n, H., 1964. Forest tree breeding by selection. Clonal seed orchards — seedling seed orchards, progenj´ tests. — Silvae Genetica, 13: 41—49. John s son, H., 1965: Miljöns och genotypens inflytande pa tallens växtform i experimentell belysning. (Environmental and genetical influences on the growth form of Scots pine in experimental plantations.) — Foren. Skogsträdsförädl. Arsb., 1964, 115—125. Kemp thorn e, O. and Cur now, R. N., 1961: The partial diallel cross. — Biometrics, 17: 229—250. K i e 11 a n d e r, C. L., 1956: Über eine spättreibende Rasse von Picea Abies in Schweden und eine Schwierigkeit bei der Plusbaumauswahl. — Z. Forstgenetik 5181— 185. Lerner , I. M., 1958: The genetic basis of selection. — New York, London. Le Roy, H. L., 1960: Statistische Methoden der Populationsgenetik. — Basel, Stutt gart. Lindquist , B., 1948: Genetics in Swedish forestry practice — Stockholm. M a t h e r, K., 1955: Response to selection: Synthesis. — Cold Spring Harbor Symposia Quant Biol., 20: 158—165. Ma t thews , J. D., 1955: Tree seed orchards. — For. Comm. Res. Branch Paper, 18 London. Matthews , J. D., 1958: La selection et la classification des arbres en genetique forestiere. — Jour. For. Suisse, 8—9: 478—494. Matthews , J. D., 1963: Seed production and seed certification. — Unasylva, 1964, 18: 104—118. National board of private forestry, Sweden, (Kungl. Skogsstyrelsen) 1945: Anvisningar för inventering av för frötäkt lämpliga bestand och elitstam 39 |