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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1966 str. 37 <-- 37 --> PDF |
Total Cub. Qual. Tree Previous National Control card for plus trees certif. selected selected species tree number certif. certif. number Province Pai´ish Name of landowner F3 ranger private forest Ad´dress of landowner district ranger district Management unit Locality Latitude Longitude Elevation, m. Quantity of suitable scions2 Quality of scions2 Method of stand establishment Seed investigations Grafted Cone production Included in clone tests at Included in progeny tests at Check trees The selected tree No 1 No 3 Age at breast height Height actual1 Height at the age of the selected tree´ DBH o.b. in mm. actual Double bark thickness in mm. DBH u b. in nam. actual DBIT u.b. in mm. at the age of the selected tree Height to crown1 Branch thickness2 Tree selected by Reason for selection Crown shape Branch angle degree Type of branching (spruce) (average of whorls 3 and 4) Stem form Basic density score Clearing ability stocking Notes: — * Measured in meters to one decimal place. 2 i, very poor; 2,poor; 3, fair; 4, good; 5, very good. 3 i; very fine branches; 2, fine branches; 3, moderately fine branches; 4, normal branches; 5, moderately coarse branches; 6, coarse branches; 7, very coarse branches. Miscellaneous information: Composition of stand1: percent pine, percent spruce, percent birch, ground vegetation. Phenotype controlled The Co-ordination Committee for Forest Tree Breeding and Genetics Signed: Fig. 7. |