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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1966 str. 22     <-- 22 -->        PDF

40. Wright , J. W. (1962): Genetics of Forest Tree Improvement. FAO, Rome,
399 pp.
41. Zobel, B. (1954): Selection in the intensive phase of forest tree improvement.
J. For., 52 (9), pp. 649—650.
42. Zobel , B. (1963): Breeding for wood properties in forest trees. World Consultation
on Forest Genetics and Tree Improvement, 7/0, Stockholm.
43. Zobel, B. (1961): Inheritance of wood properties in Conifers. Silvae Genet., 10
(3), pp. 65—70.
44. Ž u f a, L. (1960): Varijabilnost i naslednost pravnosti stabla crne topole srednjeg
Podunavlja. Thesis (manuscript), (Variability and inheritance of the straightness
of the Black Poplar stern in the Middle Donubian Plains), 250 pp.
45. Anonymou s (1953): Seventh Annual Report, N. C. State — Industry Cooperative
Tree Improvement Program. School of Forestry, N. C. State College, Raleigh,
27 pp.