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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1966 str. 21 <-- 21 --> PDF |
13. Fielding , J. M. (1957): The Breeding of Monterey Pine in Australian Capital Territory. Yth Brit. Commonw. For. Conf., Australia and New Zealand, Canberra, 19 pp. 14. Heimburger , C. (1926): Breeding for disease resistance in forest trees. For. Chron.. 38 (3), pp. 356—362. 15. Hoffman , J. (1959): Zuchtbaumauswahl bei der Rotbuche in Thüringen. Forst u. Jagd, 9 (4), pp. 177—180. 16. H o 1 s t, M. J. (1955): Breeding for weevil resistance in Norway Spruce. Z. Forstgenet, 4 (2), pp. 33—37. 17. Hoist , M. J. (1955): Some provenance and selection problems in Eastern Canadian tree beeding. Pulp Paper Mag. Can. pp. 1—3. 18. J o v a n č e v i ć, M. (1963): Selekcija plus stabala. (Selection of plus trees). Nar. Šumar, 18 (9—10), pp. 329—342. 19. Kiellander , C. L. (1956): Über eine spättreibende Rasse von Picea Abies in Schweden und eine Schwierigkeit bei der Plusbaumauswahl. Z. Forstgenet, 5 (5—6), pp. 181—185. 20. Ki r st, G. (1950): Über die sogenante Steinbuche und ihre Holzeigenschaften. Forstwiss. Cbl., 69 pp. 669—680. 21. L a n g n e r, W. (1960): Improvement through individual tree selection and testing seed stand, and clonal orchards 5th World For. Congress. 22. Langner , W. — Stern , K. (1964): Untersuchungen über den Austriebstermin von Fichten und dessen Beziehungen zu anderen Merkmalen Allg. Forst u. Jagdztg., 3, pp. 53—60. 23. Matthews, J. D. and McLean, C. (1957): Improvement of Scots Pine in Britain by selection and breeding 7th Brit. Commonw. For. Conf., pp. 1—14. 24. M a 11 h e w s, J. D, (1958): La selection et la classification des arbres en genetique forestiere. J. for. Suisse, 8—9, pp. 478—494. 25. Morgen , F. (1959): Forest Tree Breeding Research. Unasylva, 13 (2—3), pp. 81—88; 129—137. 26. M i t c h e 1, A. F. (1956): The selection of »plus« European Lach trees. Scot. For., 10 (2), pp. 68—80. 27. Mi t ch ell, H. L. (1956): Breeding for high-quality wood. For Prod. Lab. Madison, No. 2050, 13 pp. 28. M i c h e 11, H. L. (1956): Plans for research on forest genetics at the Forest Products Laboratory. Tappi, 39 (1), pp. 26A—59A. 29. Nilsson , B. (1958): Om sambandet mellan moderträd och avkomma hos fall och gran. Särtryck ur Svenska Skogsvardsföreningens Tidskrift, 1, pp. 52—65. 30. Openshaw , K. (1963): Observations on timber quality and outturn of Scots Pine. Word Consultation on Forest Genetics and Tree Improvement, 7/7, Stockholm. 31. Peevy , O. J. (1959): Selection, scoring, protection and use of superior trees. Proc. 5th Sth. For. Tree Impr. Conf., pp 44—48. 32. Pr oka zin, E. P. (1961): Otbor plusovih derevev i sozdanie semennih plantacij sosni. VNIILM, Pu.škino, 15 pp. 33. Pr ok a zin, E. P. (1962): Novie metodi semenovodstva sosni. Selhozizdat, Moskva, 44 pp. 34. Prokazin , E. P. (1962): Metod massovogo polučenija mežvidovih i mežrodovih privivok hvojnih v polevih uslovijah. Bot. 2., 47 (7), pp. 987—990. 35. Rudolph , P. O. (1956): Guide for selecting superior forest trees and stands in the Lake States. Lake St. For. Exp. Stat., Sta. Pap., No. 40, 32 pp. 36. Schreiner , E. J. (1963): Some sugestions for plus-tree selection and seedling seed orchards. Proc. 10th Ntheast. For. Tree Impr. Conf., pp. 53—54. 37. Stern , K. (1960): Plusbäume und Samenplantagen. Frankfurt/Main, 116 pp. 38. Vidaković , M. (1960): Semenske plantaže šumskog drveća (Seed plantations of forest tree species). Jug. Savet. Centar Poljopr. Šumarstvo, Beograd, 83 pp. 39. Wilde , S. A. (1954): Soils and Forest Tree Breeding. J. For., 52 (12), pp. 928—932, 19 |