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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1966 str. 136     <-- 136 -->        PDF

species (Salix alba L. and Salix fragilis L.) as well as intermediate types
resembling the mother and father respectively.

Basic mensurational data concerning the mentioned hybrids from the
region of the Drava River and the park forest »Maksimir« are given in
Table 1.

No. Age; Height D. b. h. Volume annual
of Sex years m. cm. cu. m. increment Locality Remarks
tree cu. m.

15 39 28,0 47,0 1,961 0,0502 Crni Jarci
as: S. alba L.
x S. frag. L.
22 M 11 22,0 32,0 0,743 0,0675 Limbuš
S. frag. L.
S. alba L.
23 F 30 28,0 64,0 3,716 0,1242 Maksimir
S. alba L. x
S frag. L.
24 M 30 22,0 48,0 1,701 0,0568 Maksimir
S. frag. L.
S. alba L.

From the tree No. 24 was not raised a generative progeny but on the
basis of taxonomic characteristics we assume that it is also an interspecific

As can be seen from the enclosed table the interspecific hybrids between
White and Crack Willow and between Crack and White Willow distinguish
themselves by their vitality. E. Weber (4) states that between the above-
mentioned species could be found individuals of excellent qualities with regard
to the essential characteristics of habit, and in addition, with high growth

On the basis of observations made on the mentioned hybrids and on the
ground of results of the controlled hybridisation between these two species
it must be assumed that the reciprocal hybrids are not equal but resemble
to the one or other species in dependence on which species functions as the
female parent. We assume that in these cases we have the effects of matroclinal
inheritance. The species Salix alba L. and Salix fragilis L. are easy
to cross with one another. Fertile are also the interspecific hybrids of these
two species.

In order to verify our hypothesis that the interspecific hybrids between
White and Crack Willow are of greater vitality than pure parent species we
raised during 1964/65 the interspecific hybrids Salix fragilis L. x Salix alba

L. We also wanted to find out whether the populations along the Drava River
are actually of greater vitality than these along the Sava River, or whether
the differences in vitality are conditioned by more favourable environmental
conditions along the Drava River. Therefore we raised in 1964 a generative
progeny from one population occuring along the Drava River (Bakovci—
Đurđevac), and from one population inhabiting the area along the Sava River
(Osman Polje — Lipovljani). In the population »Bakovci« the seed was
collected from 4 trees, and in the population »Osman Polje« from 6 trees.