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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1966 str. 109     <-- 109 -->        PDF

hybrids between Abies concolor and A. grandis, Gath y (19) concluded that
there is a relationship between these two species and A. loviana Wright

(58) has dealt with these problems in spruce.
For a successful crossing the structure and number of chromosomes are
important. In a general way the rule is valid that species with a similar
structure and equal number of chromosomes cross more easily than species
that are dissimilar in these respects. However, we also know cases where the
number of chromosomes is different, and yet some of them can cross with
each other as in the genus Betula, in which there are species with 28, 56, 70
and 84 chromosomes.

The second step is the production of a small number of hybrids, verification
by repetition of the experiment and the testing of the hybrid. When
producing a small number of hybrid plants it is not always necessary to pay
attention to the particular trees which are chosen for parent pairs. If the
because various genotypes and especially different races may give positive
result is negative, one should attempt to take different trees for parents,

The third working step is to ascertain the possibility for mass production
of hybrids. Mass production of hybrids depends in the first place upon the
character of the parental species. It is well known that the pines yield large
quantities of seeds, but in interspecific hybridization this is usually not the
case. At present the hybrid P. rigida x P. taeda is mass produced in Korea
under the direction of H y u n (22). In the genus Larix, mass interspecific
hybridization can also be carried out in seed plantations, as was recommended
by S. C. L a r s e n and performed in Denmark. In many species of the genus
Populus and in the genus Salix there are no difficulties, because they can be
propagated readily by cuttings and rooted cuttings. In Denmark — according
to L a r s e n´s scheme — the hybrid of Populus tremula x P. tremuloides is
also mass produced.

The fourth step is to determine what trees answer best for parental pairs.
The results are often different if different trees arc used in the same interspecific
crossing, because each species has its own range of variation. It has
been established that various biotypes belonging to two species may give
different results. Therefore such a crossing ought to be carried out with several
parental pairs belonging to different biotypes and races in order to attain the
desired purpose.

The phenomenon of heterosis is well known in many interspecific hybrids.
In this report we do not wish to give a detailed survey of individual hybrids
but consider it necessary to comment in short on the more important genera.

Considering that investigations of the various species of different genera,
and even of the various species within one genus, are in different stages of
progress, it is difficult to give with certainty a clear appraisal of the success
achieved so far. Neiher do we intend to give a special evaluation of each
combination, because these investigations are in progress and will be reported
by the investigators themselves. Our only objective is to show by examples
what has been achieved to date, and that from these achievements the
meeting can draw definite conclusions. Data about many interspecific hybrids
were taken from the following literature: 10, 14, 46 and 62.