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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1966 str. 106 <-- 106 --> PDF |
Wrigh t J. W. 1962. Genetics of forest tree improvement. FAO Roma. Wrigh t J. W. a. Bul l W. I. 1963. Geographic variation in scotch pine. Silvae Genet., 1. Zajaczkowsk i M. 1949. Studie nad sosna zwyczajna w Tatrach i Pieninach. Prace rol.-lešn, 45, Krakow. Ze r o w D. K. 1950. Osnovnye certy poslelednikovoj istorii rastitel´nosti Ukrainskoj SSR. Trudy Konf. po spor.-pylc. Analizu, Moskva. LOCAL RACES OF SCOTS PINE (PINUS SILVESTRIS L.) IN POLAND, THEIR GENETIC VALUE AND THEIR ORIGIN Summary The author accepted Rohmeder´s and Schonbach´s definition (1959) stating: »The race is a population which distinguishes itself from populations of the same species in one or more hereditary factors«. Discussed were the works published so far and dealing with the systematics of Pinus silvestris L. species. From the standpoint of forest genetics there can be distinguished on the territory of Poland the following local races of Scots Pine: 1 — North-eastern Scots Pine called Masurian Pine; 2 — Pine of the central Polish plains represented among others by the Pine cf Bolewice; 3 — Mountain Pine growing in the relict localities in the mountains of the Ta tra and the Pieniny. The other local races are still little known. Discussed were also the value and importance of these races for forestry on the basis of the results of provenance trials. The data of pollen analysis permit us to put forth the thesis that the Northeastern Pine is issuing from the remote refuges which were localized during the Pleistocene. The author explains the silvicultural value and wide ecological range of the Masurian Scots Pine through the history of its postglacial migration and the climatic conditions of its contemporary natural area of distribution. |