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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1965 str. 59     <-- 59 -->        PDF

the production of a definite commodity is established, and so we commenced to
survey only the basic-technological working time on primary machines of the plant
which will serve us, as already stressed, as a safe basis and as a key for the distribution
of the general expenses of the production.
plan diameter sub-classes of Silver Fir (Abies alba Mill.). The data of the survey
were processed statistically.

On the basis of these investigations we can conclude as follows:

— the basic-technological working time necessary for the conversion of individual
sawiogs issued from different working-plan diameter sub-classes increases
according to the function of a parabola (y = 777.358237 — 17.076138 x -t- 0.229489
x2) towards the higher diameter sub-classes.;
— the mean volumes of sawiogs from the individual working-plan diameter subclasses
also increase according to the function of a parabola (y = — 0.185972 +
+ 0.012705 x — 0.000000128 x2) towards the higher diameter sub-classes, although
they can also be calculated, a svisible in Fig. 2., according to the equation for
a straight line (y = a + bx);
— the basic-technological working time necessary for the conversion of 1 cu.m.
Fir sawiogs on primary machines of the plant (band saw and frome saws) is
greatest in the diameter sub-class of 22.5 cm. From this diameter sub-class
upwards it has a tendency to decrease to a diameter sub-class of 62.5 cm., where
it is smallest, again to decrease slowly towards the higher diameter sub-classes;
— the cost price for the normal edged timber produced from 1 cu.m. of Fir sawiogs
according to the working-plan diameter sub-classes is a function of the basic-
technological working time on primary machines of the plant, which is necessary
to saw 1 cu.m. of Fir sawiogs on these machines. The cost price is greatest in
the diameter sub-class of 22.5 cm and amounts to 34,023 din./cu.m., whereafter
it has a tendency to decrease up to diameeter sub-classes of 62.5 and 67.5 cm.,
where it is smallest and amounts to 15,967 din/cu.m. From these diameter subclasses
onwards the cost price is increasing towards the higher diameter subclasses,
and in the working-plan diameter sub-class of 87.5 cm. it amounts to
16,559 din./cu.m.
Consequently, the most favourable working-plan diameter sub-class of the Fir
tree species from the standpoint of the cost price level in the sawmilling are the
diameter sub-classes of 62.5 and 67.5 cm. because their cost prices are lowest, and, in
addition, according to our previous exeperimental study (4), from them is produced
also the most valuable normal edged timber of Fir species, and in particular edged
boards of commercial lengths.