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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1965 str. 39     <-- 39 -->        PDF

papira. U momentu otvaranja ženskih cvasti, pomoću specijalnih pumpica, u
kesu se ubrizgava željeni polen, a posle zatvaranja ženskih cvasti kese se skidaju.

Ukoliko se pre početka izolacije ne izvrši emaskulaeija ženskih šišarica kod
dvopolnih cvasti belog bora, opasnost od samooplodnje nije odstranjena, pa sve
to može da poremeti ili sasvim da promaši postavljeni zadatak hibridizacije.
Radi toga za hibridizaciju je potrebno da se prethodno dobro prouči biologija
cvetanja svake pojedine vrste i posebno pojedinog drveta, jer je ona još uvek
nedovoljno poznata i nije uvek ista. Od tog poznavanja biologije cvetanja
upravo i zavisi celokupni uspeh radova na oplemenjivanju.

(Pinus sylvestris L.)


Scots Pine (Pinus silvestris L.) is a monoecious plant with unisexual reproductive
organs. In nature, however, the reproductive organs need not always be situated on
different annual shoots. On Mount Kajmakcalan we had the opportunity to discover
bisexual inflorescences in two trees of Scots Pine. On the same tree — besides the
bisexual inflorescences — there were growing on separated annual shoots separately
male catkins and separately female catkins.

In bisexual inflorescences growing on one and the same annual shoot, i. e. on
the same axis the male catkins were situated on the lower part and at the top the
female catkins.

The bisexuality in Scots Pine most probably represents a repetition (renewal)
of a very ancient arrangement of female and male catkins.

The existence of bisexual inflorescences has a very imoprtant scientific and
practical significance. In order to avoid self-fertilization before the beginning of
isolation of female catkins for artificial hybridization, it is necessary to remove the
male flowers.