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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1965 str. 33     <-- 33 -->        PDF

slope on this mode of cutting are taken into consideration. The method of carrying
out the felling and the tools by means of which it is executed are described. The
author recommends the felling in 5—8 m. wide strips between which the devastated
scrubwood is left, the latter being cut down when the scrubwood within the strips
is grown-up. Then he discusses the treatments to be undertaken afterwards, such
as the removal of excess sprouts, etc.

He explains the concept of direct conversion in which — at the time when the
sprouts are least capable of shooting forth — we cut down the whole scrubwood and
outplant in its place other species, primarily conifers. During conversion a number
of shrubs is often left over to protect the transplants or the soil. Later on these
shrubs — if not employed as understorey — are cut down; 4000 to 6000 plants of other
species per one hectare are introduced.

In the repair plantings or in inprovement conversions we proceed so that in the
scrubwood are cut down all devastated sprouts, and the best specimens exhibiting
the habit of small stems left behind. Efforts are made that stems left behind remain
distributed uniformly or in groups. Among these stems are introduced other species
primarily in groups or singly in order to obtain a mixed stand. Mention is made of
species which can be introduced into this region.

Then the author states that for each complex of scrubwoods it is necessary to
draw up a plan cf improvement to contain: the objective of management, the mode
of improvement, the species to be introduced, and the order of improvement treatments.