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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1965 str. 32 <-- 32 --> PDF |
20. Patak y Lj.: Melioracija šikara i drugih oblika degadiranih niskih šuma, Sarajevo 1958, str. 1—75. 21. Pelze r Z.: Melioracija degradiranih šuma hrasta medunca, šikara i kamenjara submediteranskog područja FNRJ (Referat za konferenciju FAO), str. 1—10 (rukopis). 22. Potoči ć Z.: Proizvodnja i potrebe drveta u NR Hrvatskoj kao elemenat šumsko- privredne politike, Zagreb 1955, str. 31 (rukopis disertacija). 23. Regen t B.: Gospodarenje u primorskim listopadnim šumama niskog uzgoja i njihova melioracija, Sum. List, 1958, str. 94—111. 24. * * Statistički godišnjak S. F. R. J. Beograd 1963, str. 389. 25. Šafa r J.: Osnovi gospodarenja u odraslim šikarama i niskim šumama, Šum. Pregled 4, 1955, str. 3—25. 26. Škre b S. i dr.: Klimatski značaj i klimatska razdioba Hrvatske, Zemljopis Hrvatske I, Zagreb 1942, str. 268—283. 27. Wessel y J.: Karstgebiet Militär — Kroatiens und seine Rettung, Zagreb 1876. Str. 35, 118, 282—356. 28. Zian i P.: Gospodarenje sa sitnim šumama, pašnjacima na području Like i njihova rekonstrukcija u proizvodne uzgojne oblike, Obavijesti Inst. šum. lov. Istr., Zagreb 1959, br. 9, str. 22—41. IMPROVEMENT OF SCRUBWOODS IN THE SUB-MEDITERRANEAN KARST AREA Summary The author reports on the extension of scrubwoods in the sub-Mediterranean Karst area of the P. R. of Croatia. According to the data collected the scrubs occupy an area of 359.189 hectares. He discusses different data according to which this area varies. Whereafter he gives general comments as to the origin of scrubwoods and takes into consideration the sccial and economic conditions which during the centuries have brought the forest areas to the present state. He gives the definition of the scrub wood as representing a degraded form of coppice forest composed of stunted trees along with a larger or smaller admixture of shrubs. Then he also defines the concept of the »šibljak« (shiblyac), a formation morphohologically similar to scrubwood and which is composed of shrubs not capable of assuming a tree habit. Dealt with is the phytocoenological classification of scrub- woods on the territory of Yugoslavia by Ing. S. Bertović, according to whom the largest area in the Karst is occupied by scrubwoods belonging to the associations of Carpinus orientalis Lam. and Ostrya carpinifolia Scop. Then the conditions under which they are living are disccused. A morphological classification of scrubwoods according to various authors is presented. The function of adventitious and proventitious buds is commented upon. The author gives the order of tree species and shrubs in the Karst area in respect of their sprouting ability. He analyses the annual height increment in a regenerated 25-yearold scrubwood and establishes the occurrence of two increment maximums, i. e. the first at 3 years of age and the second between 18 and 21 years. He explains the first maximum by the stored reserve nutrients in the root when cutting back, and the second maximum by the establishment of the equilibrium between the above-ground and under-ground parts of the stem. He reports on the duration of the sprouting ability of roots in the Karst area, and makes attempts to explain through ecological conditions that these scrubs still continue to revive on that poor soil despite devastations which have taken place during the centuries. Presented are a number of data about the volumes of standing timber which were obtained by weighing and xylometering. Then the author explains the method of improvement by resurrection cutting, direct conversion and repair planting. He discusses especially the resurrection cutting which in fact is cutting-back. Mention is made of the necessary quality of the soil, and the aspects most favourable for the successful execution of resurrection cutting. The influences of elevation and |