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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1965 str. 50     <-- 50 -->        PDF

the emergence of butterflies. The combination E 16.5 0.1% + Lindane EA 10 0.03 ->-
Bactospeine 4 g.´l. gave a better result than the combination Pantakan E 16.5 0.2%

+ Lindane EA 10 0.06% + Bactospeine, a fact which could be attributed to the larger
quantity of Lindane used. The untreated controls displayed a large percentage of
emerged butterflies (60.62—80.2%), and a relatively small number of dead caterpillars
Although it is possible already now to determine the advantage of the combined
preparations over the insecticides used in higher concentrations, when separately
applied the author considers it necessary to investigate in the following stage of experiments
the effect of the combined preparations on caterpillars of a younger stage,
and, which is very important for practice, to determine the most effective combination.