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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1962 str. 36     <-- 36 -->        PDF

glavne etaže sastojine. Pomoćni dio sastojine tvorila bi stabla
kojima je osnovna funkcija zaštita tla i zasjenjivanje deblovine. Ona su
izlučena u podstojn u etaž u iz etaža proizvodnog dijela sastojine.
Biološki nisu više sposobna da zauzmu položaje gornjih etaža, a produkciona
im je sposobnost neznatna. Od naših autohtonih vrsta drveća u
biološkom pogledu jedino jelu ne bismo mogli svrstati u pomoćni dio sastojine
jer ona, ma koliko dugo bila zastarčena, ako dobije dovoljno svijetla
može zauzeti položaje gornjih etaža. S obzirom na gospodarski faktor (proizvodni)
ona može u danom momentu formirati pomoći dio sastojine, tj.
podstojnu etažu. Kod prorjeđivanja bi se sva pažnja poklanjala proizvodnom
dijelu sastojine i to dominantnoj etaži i stablima — jedne ili više vrsta
drveća koja čine tu etažu — koja po svojem vanjskom izgledu obećaju
maksimalnu produkciju. Na taj način možemo u određenom razvojnom
stadiju mješovitih sastojina sigurno povećati proizvodnju kako su to kod
nas pokazala istraživanja.

Moramo biti na čistu da se u gospodarskim prirodnim sastojinama trebamo
odreći krutih formi njege, da moramo biti dobri biolozi i ekonomisti
ako želimo podići proizvodnju u šumarstvu te pokazati i dokazati da sastojine
ne treba prepustiti samo spontanoj proizvodnji već ih promatrati kao
goleme tvornice gdje se usmjeruje proizvodnja drvne mase. Za ekonomičan
proces proizvodnje potrebni su vrsni stručnjaci — inženjeri i tehničari —
koji će direktno rukovoditi tim procesom, a ne prepustiti tako osjetljivu i
delikatnu proizvodnju nekvalificiranom i biološki neškolovanom kadru.

The author discusses the importance cf the knowledge of the biologic and economic
treatment of stands. He recommends the method of heavy encroachment only
after a maximum natural thinning (selection) of trees in the stand and after achieving
a certain length of clear-boled stem, which is applicable to natural pure and
group-mixture stands ot the more remote hilly and mountaineous areas. For pure
stands especially in tree species of relatively quick growth, he recommends the method
of rare and intensive encroachments of the stand.
For such methods of treatment of stands the author has devised a flexible and
easily applicable biologic-economic classification of trees in
th e stand . According to this classification one is to distinguish trees of the productive
and auxiliar y parts of the stand which are being ´distinctly formed after
the maximum height increment of trees. The productive part of the stand would
then be composd of a main (dominant) and a secondary storey, with
the main storey consisting of the highest trees being the main bearers of wood production
in the stand. Accordingly the secondary storey would consist of trees pushed
out of the main storey which still manifestly participate in the wood production, and
which — with respect to their biological properties — are able to replace in a given
situation (various inclemencies) the trees of the main storey. The auxiliary part of
the stand is formed of trees whose basic function is protection of soil and shading
of the bole of best trees. They are pushed bacik into the understore y from
storeys of the productive part of the stand. Biologically they are no more capable of
occupaying the positions of upper storeys and their productive capacity is insignificant.
Among the autochthonous tree species from the biological standpoint only the
Fir should not be classified into the auxiliary part of stand because — even after
being arrested for however long in its growth, if getting sufficient light — it can
occupy an upper-storey position. With respect to the economic (productive) factor
it can form in a given situation the auxiliary part of stand, i. e. the understorey.
In thinning operations every attention should be paid to the productive part of the
stand viz. to the main storey and to those stems — of one or several tree species
constituting this storey — which as to their outer appearance vouch for maximum