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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1962 str. 37     <-- 37 -->        PDF

4. Za tla koja nisu zaražena prevelikim brojem štetnika (nematoda) zadovoljavajuće
djelovanje se postigne sa 100 ccm Vapama po 1 m° tla.
5. Do jakih zaraza unutar rasadnika dolazi uslijed gnojidbe kompostom što
potvrđuje i kontrolna parcela u našem pokusu, pošto kompostom uncsimo gotovo*
sve uzročnike pol´ijeganja mladih klica.
Radi toga na parcelama koje bi bile gnojene stajskim gnojem i zatim tretirane
Vapanom ili formalincm sigurno je da bi rezultati bili još bolji od rezultata
koje smo dobili u našem pokusu.

Kako će već u ovoj godini biti Vapama i na našiem tržištu vjerojatno u dovoljnoj
količini, smatramo da će njegova primjena u širokoj praksi olakšati
rad u proizvodnji zdravog i kvalitetnog sađnog materijala.



The loss from »damping-off« of coniferous seedlings is general very high in the
seedbeds. Field experiments were conducted on naturally infected soil with organisms
wich are known to case »damping-off«, by treating the soil with Vapam (Natrium-
N-methyldithiocarbamate) and formaldehyde. Vapam is fungicide, insecticide
and herbicide.

A summary of the results is following:

1. The greatest percentage (90%) of Pinus silvestris seedlings emerged in the
treated soil with Vapam (100 ccm in 5 1 water on 1 mä of the soil).
´In weed control Vapam gave also good results. The soil was free of weeds during
two months. In our experiment, there were no noxious insects in the soil, and
tor this reason it is not possible to discuss about the effect on insects.

2. There were 80% disease-free seedlings in the soil sterilized with formaldehyde.
3. All the seedlings in the treated soil grew well during all the season.
4. On control, there were very few seedlings. Many emerged seedlings died very
soon from »damping-off«.
Many isolations were made from bits of affected root tissue from the diseased
seedlings. Fusarium spp. and Pythium spp. grew out of the isolated roots.