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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/1961 str. 23     <-- 23 -->        PDF

I ova kratka analiza prilika u Austriji i Svajcarskoj dokaz je, da je svrsishodno
predavati šumske komunikacije na našim fakultetima u zemlji, da ne bi
zapela kod nas tako nužna izgradnja šumskih komunikacija zbog oskudice

Da završimo. Već stari Rimljani poznavali su odlično vanredan značaj puteva
i cesta. Zato su stvorili izreku: »via vita-«, »cesta je život-«. Ova sentencija
važi još danas. Cesta ne znači život samo za svaku proizvodnju, za trgovinu,
narodnu odbranu, kulturu i civilizaciju nego i za gajenje i zaštitu šuma. Zato
se svaki svjestan šumar-biolog bori prvestveno za osnovu svog rada, za —



The author discusses in the beginning two Laws on Universities (dating back)
to 1954 and 1960), which aim at speeding up the education through new organization
in order to give the country as many various specialists as possible within the
shortest time span.

He describes the manner in which the Forestry Department (of the Veterinary,
Agricultural and Forestry Faculty) at Ljubljana has solved these problems.
There was kept the previous complex forest curriculum comprising biological, engineering
and economic subjects, while the number of lectures and exercices was
reduced to an average of 30 hours per week. The author considers that specialists,
who will be needed by the Forestry and Timber Industry could easily be trained
in the postgraduate studies foreseen in the Law itself. Temporary study trips abroad
as well as shorter courses will enable the specialists to go abreast with the latest
developments in this branch.

Then are discussed the specifities of the forest traffic communications, which
distinguish themselves essentially as to the load conditions of the public roads,
and in consenquence of that — the principle for their narrowing and shortening.
For this and other reasons a great number of technical and economic conclusions
valid for public roads do not apply to the forest ones. The author considers that
only a forest engineer can choose the best methods and apply them successfully in
the construction of forest communications. This construction should not be given
over to the civil engineers also for the reason that they are overburdened with their
own study and thus could not be additionally occupied with this special field. The
author is of the opinion that the construction of forest communications belongs
exclusively to the domain of forest engineers, and that tihs course of instruction
should be maintained as a special subject in the forestry faculties.