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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1961 str. 55     <-- 55 -->        PDF

The Aleppo-Pine can be consideređ as the most suitable speeies for achieving
this objective.

The introduction of Aleppo-Pine in´to ithe macchias and garigues can be carried
out in the best and cheapest manner by sowing seed on the previously stubbed-out
and prepared circular plots sized 4—8 ,sq. m., which ought ito be also manured with
an adequate fertilizer. On each hectare there are to be eatablished about 200 of
such circular plots.

ff the wood obtained by cutting less valuable elernenfe of macchias and
garigues can be used for lime burning, then rt is recommended to perform their
cuitting with a 50—lOC´/o intensi´ty by applying previouisly a broadcast sowing of the
Aleppo-Pine seeds over the whole area.

Besides that after this cutting one can also apply partialljy a stubbing-out,
preparation and manuring (with artificial fertilizer) of about 200 circular plots sized
1—3 !sq. m. In this case the ejcpenditures of sovving are by half lower ithan in the case
described previously, and the sowing is usually isuccessful.

Afforestation of stony grounds with Aleppo-Pine is carried out toy sowing
seeds in circular plots sized 0,5^—2 sq. m. i. e. 600—1000 plots per heotare. Such
sfforestation is more expensive than introducing Aleppo-Pine into macchias.

For this purpose of establishing highly resinous stands it is necessary to collect
only the seeds from highly resinous trees. Scientific investigation ought to establish
the obvious characteristics of such trees. With seeds of such trees — besides
regular afforestation — one should also establish a separate seed supplying štand
which in the near future should bear seeds of special quality.

The method of management of Aleppo-Pine forests (thinnimgs, choice of _elite
trees, manner and time of introducing trees into tapping, method of resin-tapping,
rdtation etc.) ought to be prescribed by Khe wor´king plan to irasure evennes and
permanency of highest resin yields. For the improvement of the existing forests
as well as raising and tending of new P.ine stands sufficient funds should be secured
in order to harmonize the advancement of the whole economy of the country.


Dr ing. Ivo Opačić

Poznato je da drvo sadržaje vrlo malo dušika, odnosno malo kemijskih spojeva
koji u molekuli imaju dušik. Prisutnost dušika veoma je važna za normalni
razvoj i život, jer u nedostatku dušika biljka vidljivo počinje da nazaduje, žuti,
kržljavi, a lišće počinje opadati. Dušik dolazi u biljci u spojevima koji se nalaze
u proteinima, vitaminima, lipoidima, encimima i alkaloidima, a kod zelenih
dijelova biljke u klorofilu.

Prema Beckeru i Dillingeru, najmanje dušika ima u korijenu, sve
više prema vrhu, a najviše u lišću. Podaci o istraživanju dušika u drvetu veoma
su oskudni i nesistematski obrađeni. Prema Hagglund u sadržaj dušika u
drvetu varira u granicama od 0,1—0,5%. Po. Schwalbeu i Beckeru, sav
dušik je proteinskog porijekla, a ima ga 0,10—0,17%. Po Hartig u sadržaj
dušika u drvetu bukve varira sa godišnjom dobi i stvaranjem ploda. U vrijeme
jake oplodnje sadržaj dušika u drvetu je manji.

Od posebnog interesa za ova istraživanja, bio je raspored i količina dušika
sadržanog u drvnoj masi ispitivanih vrsta drva. Glavni nosilac dušikovih spojeva
u drvnoj masi je kambij. Allsopp i Misra našli su da kambij jasena
(Fraxinus elatior L.) sadrži 29.4´% proteina, a brijesta (Ulmus sativa Mili.) 30%,
dok u isto vrijeme u drvnoj masi ima jasen 1,37%, a brijest 1,73% proteina.