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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1961 str. 13     <-- 13 -->        PDF



In his statement submitted on April 18, 1960, to the joint session of the Federal
Executive Council and the Producers´ Council of the Federal National Assembly the
author stated:

Owing to a rapid social-economic developrnent there appear in our coutry a
number of actual problems in ali fields and thus also in the field of forest economy,
which must keep pače with the faster and faster developrnent. Therefore, the Federal
Ex.ecutive Council — after having studied the state of the forestry economy — has
instructed the competent authorities to elaborate a proposal for a New Forest Law.
It is a favourable coincidence that the passing of this Law occurs parallel with the
reform of our economic system. This makes possible to speed up the present reorganization
of the forest managements, i. e. their transformation as organizations with
autonomous budgetting into enterprises with workes´ management. Simultaneously
the exploitation of forests is being integrated into the forest enterprise as one of its
business activities. Thus far the logging was separated, and just this .rendered impossible
the formation of forest managements as economic organizations.

The fundamental principles of the Law are the following:

1. Sustained-yield management.
2. Forest-economic regions as an economic-organizational entity. It is supposed
that this region will comprise the economic forests, i . e. those which according to
their structure and condition will allow such an extent of fellings on the basis of
which the value of forest production will cover the costs of regeneration. It is considered
that the upper limit of the region ought not to exoeed an area of 60.000 ha.
(so long as there are no conditions for a more intensive management).
3. To run business on the basis of formation and distribution of the revenue.
4. Developrnent of the workers´ self-management. The Law places the workers
in the forest industry on an equal footing (as to the economic and social position)
with the workers´ collectives of other economic branches and frees their creative
incentive for the developrnent of production and socialistic production relations.
5. The right for the exploitation and management of forests. There has been
carried out the principle that the forests in socialistic ovvnership may be given for
utilization to the forest, industrial, agricultural and other economic organizations,
institutions, as well as to the state bodies, i. e. to ali those organizations to which
.the forests are necessary fo the fulfilment of their public and specific tasks.
6. Expansion of the basis for including the individual owners into the socialistic
sector of forest production.
7. The role of the communes. The proposed Law is on the line to minimize the
administrative measures which were verystrong in the forestrv. The interest on the
part of the communes for the forest economy is considerably stimulated.
8. Introduction of an up-to-date technology into the forest economy.
In conclusion the author. discusses the problems and measures for the develop^
ment of forestry.