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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1961 str. 2     <-- 2 -->        PDF


Rcđakcioni odbor:
Dr Roko B e n i ć ing. Josip Peternel, dr Zvonko Potočić, ing. Josip Š a f a r
i ing. Vlado S t e t i ć

Glavni i odgovorni urednik:

Dr Milan Androić

3 4 MART—APRIL 1961.


Govor izaslanika Maršala Tita, predsjednika Sabora NRH dr Vladimira Bakarića na proslavi

ICO-godišnjice šumarske nastave. 21. XI 1960.
Prof. dr Dušan Kl ep a c: O nekim normalama u jelovim prebornim šumama
Ing. Dimitrije Bura : Mogućnost povećanja proizvodnje (prirasta) i obima sječa u prirodnim

ekonomskim šumama
Ing. Ilija K n e ž e v i ć: Izbor zemljišta i lokacija rasadnika topola
Dr Milan Androić : Pokusno suzbijanje čctnjaka (Thaumatopoea pitvocampa Schiff.) bak

terijama (Bacillus thuringiensis)
Ing. Dragutin H a n z 1 : Povećanje proizvodnje uzgojem bagrema
Ing. Halid Sa ra j lić : Prilog pošumljivanju kontinentalnih kršnih terena izloženih uticaju

ekstremne bure
Ing. Edmund. Modun : Utjecaj pokrivanja sadnog mjesta kamenom i razvoj sadnica oleastera
i pitome masline na Kršu


Speech by Marshal Tito´s delegate, Dr. Vladimir Bakarić. President of the Croatian Parliament,
at the celebration of the Forestry Education Centenary November 11, 1960
Prof. eh´ Dušan K 1 e p a c: About several curves representing the artificial equilibrium in Fir
seiection forests
Ing. Dimitrije Bura : The possibility of increasing the production (yield) and extent of

cuttings in natural commercial forests
Ing. Ilija Knežević : The choice of soi! and the location of a Poplar nursery
Dr Milan Androić : Experimental control of the Pine Processionary Moth (Thaumatopoea

pityocampa Schiff.) by means of Bacteria (Bacillus thuringiensis)
Ing. Dragutin Hanzl : Increasing the forests production by growing Poplars
Ing. Halid Šara j lić: A contribution to the afforestation of the Continental Karst terrains

exposed to the influence of extreme N-winds
Ing. Edmund Modun : Influence of covering the planting site with stones and the development
of transplants of the wild and domestic Olive in the Karst area


Le dlscours du delegue du Marechal Tito, Dr. Vladim´r Bakarić, President du Parlement

croale. a la celebration du centenaire de l´enseignement forestier, le 21 novembre 1960
Prof. dr Dušan K 1 e p a c: Que!ques courbes d´equilibre artificiel dans les sapinieres
Ing. Dimitrije B u r a: La possibilite d´aggrandissement de la production (de l´accroissement)

ainsi que de l´extension des coupes dans les forets naturelles

(Svršetak na 3 str. omota)
Naslovna slika: E, Buhotinski: Josip Kozarac