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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1961 str. 47     <-- 47 -->        PDF

no odnos djD koji vodi do pro-centualnog učešća pojedinog stratuma bit će manje
ili više ispravan u ovisnosti od oblika terena (ravan ili neravan) te načinu leta
(snimci iz iste visine, vertikalni ili pod drugim uvjetima).


[1] Hagber g E., The new Swedish national forest survey (Unasylva 1957. Vol.
11. No. 1.).
Loetsc h F., Waldflächeninventur im Kleinprivatwald mit Stichprobenverfahren
unter weitgehender Benutzung des Luftbildes (Forstarchiv 26. Jahrgang
Heft 8. 1956.).
[3] S p u r r S. H.. Aerial photographs in forestry, New York 1948.
N e i d h a r d t N., O šumarstvu Švedske, Šumarski list 1932.
To m a šeg o vi ć Z., Da li je moguća inventarizacija šuma na osnovu fotoplanova.
Šumarski list 1956. str. 217—220.



For the carrying-out of the linear forest estimation by a stereophotogrammetric
method especially in the connection with the surface inventorying in the forestry
and agriculture there can be taken into consideration:

for a hilly terrain
a) for a continued linear estimation the accessory attachment to the Stereotop
Koolinta for the measurement in profiles as the Koolinta proposed in this article:
b) for a discontinued linear forest estimation by applying the Stereotop there
can be used beside the method under la) also the approximate method in which
on a pair of pictures there occur a sufficiently transparent material with marked-in
parallel equidistants while the measurements are performed on a millimeter paper
en which are traced out the lengths of vegetation profiles.

for a flat terrain
a) for the shots derived from a well-managed navigation (the approximately
vertical shots taken from the same height in general) there can be applied the same
method as that one under lb) also by the use of a mirror stereoscope with stereo-
micrometer facilitated because of not requesting indispensibly the neccessary
orientation points.
We obtain the ratio d/D — alhough not knowing the lengths in natural measures
— in approximately correct relationships.
b) in the more unfavourable cases with respect to the navigation it would
be justified the same method as under la) together with the use of orientation
points here as well as there.
The objective possibilities for carrying-out the linear stereophotogrammetric
forest estimation are given both by the state of the geodetic surveys (the density
of trigonometric network) as well as by the quantity of the high-grade aerophotographic
material. Both the conditions are realizable in a satisfactory manner in
our country.