prilagođeno pretraživanje po punom tekstu

ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1961 str. 19     <-- 19 -->        PDF

živne zahvate, da jasenova stabalca formiraju što ljepšu i bolju krošnju. Na taj
način pospješujemo debljinski prirast i u kraćoj ophodnji uzgajamo stabla
krupnijih dimenzija. To ne možemo postići intenzivnim zahvatima u srednjodobnim
i starijim sastojinama, jer jasenova stabla više gotovo nikako ne reagiraju
na svijetlo.

To bi uglavnom bile osnovne smjernice, koje treba poznavati uzgajivač kod
tretiranja sastojina u Posavini.



The author describes the basic principles of silvicultural treatment in the most
typical stands of the lowland region of the middle and lower courses of the river
Sava. This is the most important area of growing of Pedunculate Oak, Narrow-
leaved Ash and Lowland Elm in Croatia and also Jugoslavia.

The distribution and the productive capacity of these stands depend to a great
extent on the water whick represents a very important edaphic factor of this region
as in the form of preecipitation — and flooding — water coming to these areas as
a flow-of from the beds of water courses, so in the form of the gravitational underground
water. In this a conspicuous role is playder by the topography of the locality,

e. microelevations and microdepressions.
The author gives directions for the treatment of the stands of Pedunculate Oak
and Hornbeam, stands of Pedunculate Oak, Narrow-leaved Ash and Lowland Elm,
as well as the stands of Narrow-leaved Ash with respect to the natural reproduction
of these stands so with respect to the tending of these stands in the course of rotation.
The stands of Pedunculate Oak and Hornbeam are the mo^t favourable silvicultural
systems. The stands of Pedunculate Oak, Narrow-leaved Ash and Lowland
Elm are the most suitable for the production of fine Oakwood. The stands of Narrow-
leaved Ash come last with respect to their economic value. The intensities of
the silvicultural treatments in the stands of Pedunculate Oak and Hornbeam should
be frequent with respect to time and heavy with respect to volume with the aim to
produce in as short time as possible stems of large dimensions. In the stands of
Pedunculate Oak, Narrow-leaver Ash and Lowland Elm the intensities of the treatments
as to time should be frequent and as to volume weak in order to produce an
Oakwood of fine structure. In pure Ash stands the intensities of treatments should
be very heavy with respect to volume and time in order to raise wide-rouged stems
yielding a high-grade Ashwood.
