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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1960 str. 25     <-- 25 -->        PDF

8. Lindgren , R. M.: Temperature, Moisture, and Penetration Studies of Wood-
Staining Ceratostomellae in Relation to Their Control. U. S. Dep. of Agr., Tech.
Buli. No. 807, March 1942.
9. Li e se, W., Hartmann - Fahnenbroch, M.: Elektronenmikroskopische
Untersuchungen an verblautem Kiefernholz. Holz-Forschung, Heft 4, 1953.
10. Scheffer, T. C, Lindgren, R. M.: Stains of Sapwood and Sapwood products
and their control. U. S. Dep. of Agr., Tech. Buli. No. 714, March 1940.
11. Scheffer, T. C: Control of Decay and Sap-stain in logs and green lumber.
FPL, No 2107, april 1958.
12. Schulz , G.: Versuche der Blaueschutzbehandlung von Kiefernstamm und
Schnittholz. Holz Roh- u. Werkstoff, 1953 (11).
13. Thunell , B.: Einwirkung der Blaue auf die Festigkeitseigenschaften der Kiefer.
Holz Roh- u. Werkstoff, 1952 (9).
14. Vanin , S. I.: Sineva drevesiny i mery borby s nejo. Moskva 1932.


The author describes the discoloration (bluestain) of wood as well as the factors
making possible the development of fungi — the causal organism of bluestain.
Discusseđ are individually the properties of wood and the effect of bluestaining on
them. In general also the question of protection of wood against bluestain is dealt

The bluestain causes to a larger or smaller extent a deterioration of the technical
properties of wood, depending on the species of fungus, kind of wood and the
extent of the bluestaineđ surface. From the aspect of wood utilization this degrade
of technical properties is not such as to make it unserviceable in construction engineering
and otherwise. Its only weak point is the low resistance to impact, and
therefore bluestaineđ wood cannot be used for instance in aircraft construction,
because impact resistance plays the most important role here.