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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1960 str. 13     <-- 13 -->        PDF

se na taj način vremenom sakupila veća količina — na isti način — izmjerenih
modernih stabala, te bi se podaci iz različitih lokaliteta mogli upoređivati, kumulirati
i t. d. Ovako kake- smo dosada radili t. j . kada je svaki autor mjerio
na svoj način i to samo one podatke koji su bili interesantni za konkretni
zadatak, velika su sredstva utrošena, a samo uz mala dodatna sredstva moglo
se na taj način već dosada dobiti značajan broj modelnih stabala za izradu domaćih


[1] Schuber g K.: Formzahlen und Massentafeln fiir die Weisstanne, Berlin 1891.
[2] Tordon y
M.: Kubične skrižaljke za stojeću prodaju ielovih stabala. Šumarski
list br. 3, 1897.
[3] Schumache r
F. X.-Hall F. D. S.: Logaritmic Expression of Timber-tree Volume.
Journal of Agr. Res.. Vol. 47. Washington 1933.
[4] Milojkovi ć
D.: Istraživanje oblika i zapremine jele u zaštićenim šumama
planine Tare. Izdanje Zavoda za zaštitu prirode i naučno proučavanje prirodnih
retkosti NR Srbije, Beograd 1953.


The German double-entry volume tables for Silver Fir — Abies alba (See
Schuberg [1]) give poor results in determining the timber volume in the area of
Gorski Kotar (= mountaineous region in the \vestern part of Croatia — between
Zagreb and Rijeka). In this area the most important influence is played by the
parent rock, and on the underlying silicate rock there grow predominatly the
even-aged forests while on the calcareous parent rock the seleetion forests. Schuberg´s
Tables yield for the trees from the silicate substratum (even-aged forests)
too small stem volumes, while for the trees from the calcareous substratum too
large ones.

On the basis of 424 sample trees from the silicate subsoil. and 126 trees from
the calcareous were prepared tables separately for the silicate und separately for the
calcareous subsoil (See Tables 4 and 5).

The adjustment of volume was carried out by the method of least squares using
the Schumacher-Hall´s formula (See Schumacher-Hall f2]). The parameters of the
adjustment equations are compared with the parameters calculated from Schuberg´s
Tables (»Derbholz«) for different ages (see Table 2). The errors of parameters
Oh and or are relatively high which means that the preparation of tables requires
a greater number of data (sample trees). The volume (and consequently also the
form factors) of trees from the silicate substratum (even-aged forest)are larger than
those ones from the calcareous substratum (seleetion forest) which is understandable
(See Table3). It is interesting that the magnitude of parameter c is greater than 1.
which means that the form factor inereases when the height inereases {on condition
that the d. b. h. is the same). This fact is corroborated also by the analysis of the
material taken from the silicate subsoil, vvhich shows that the form quotient
amounts approximately to

q2 = 0´720 — 0´025 d — 0´035 h

(d = diameter at breast height in cm., h = total height in m., q = form quotient

i. e. the ratio between the diameter in total mid-height and d. b. h.), and — on the
basis of the known high positive correlation betwecn the form quotient and form
factor — it is possible to conelude that the form factor f´ ehanges in a similar
The volume tables (See Tables 4 and 5) are of temporary eharacter because
they are unreliable owing to the too small number of data which served as their

Table 1 yields the data concerning the number of stems having served as the
basis in the construetion of volume tables. Data are grouped aceording to the diame