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ŠUMARSKI LIST 8-9/1959 str. 16     <-- 16 -->        PDF

are contained the volumes of: Pedunculate Oak, Narrowleaved Ash, Lowland Elm,
European Hornbeam, Black Alder, and other species obtained from inventorying in
1955 and 1950 an area of 0,5 ha, as well as the volume increment per ha.: presented
sepratedly according to the tree species and stand storeys.

The established total volume increment ranged on plots from 11,2 to 12,1 cu.m./ha.,
and the increment in Pedunculate Oak from 8,4 to 10,9 cu.m./ha. (Tab. 8). In the total
volume increment the upper storey participates with 90u/o, the lower storey With lOrVo.
In Tab. 10 are given the increment percentages of the volume of the upper storey
classified according to tree species.

) Investigated was also the diameter increment of Pedunculate Oak. In the diameter
classs of 20 cm. it amounts to 1,3 mm., and in the class of 55 cm. to 5,7 mm.
Consequently, the growth ring width is less than 3 mm., and here we are concerned
with fine (veneer) Oakwood.

Presented in the paper are also the results of the investigations on the volume
increment of the upper storey of Pedunculate Oak on the experimental plot No. 4 by
means of Pressler´s borer and by the application of the methods of Hufnagel, Meyer
and Klepac. The aim of these investigations was to compare the results obtained by
means of increment cores with the results for volume increment obtained through the
»methode du controls«. In order to render possible this comparison the volume increment
of bark was added to the volume increment obtained by way of the increment
core method. The established volume increment of the upper storey of Pedunculate
Oak ranges from 8,3 (Meyer´s differential method) to 9,8 cu.m./ha. (Hufnagl´s method).
The voiump increment obtained by means of the »methode du controle« amounts to
10,88 cu.m/ha. (Tab. 6).

On the basis of the analysis of the results obtained the authers draw the conclusion
that Pedunculate Oak stands of dry type should be thinned by the application of
a moderate crown thinning. In this type of stand Pedunculate Oak produces among
all other tree species the highest increment as to volume and value.

(Primljeno za štampu 11. IX. 1958. g.>