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ŠUMARSKI LIST 6-7/1959 str. 15     <-- 15 -->        PDF

3. Kulminacija debljinskog prirasta jele ovisi o ekspoziciji. Na toplim
(S i W) ekspozicijama kulminacija debljinskog prirasta nastupa ranije uz
jednake ostale uslove, što je još potrebno istražiti temeljitije.
4. Prilikom utvrđivanja prirasta jele, potrebno je u svakom odjelu
konstatirati (utvrditi) da li i kod kojeg prsnog promjera nastupa kulminacija
prirasta (zrelost) jelovih stabala. Radi toga će biti potrebno uzimati
izvrtke većeg broja najdebljih jelovih stabala.
Diameter increment anđ the recruitmpnt per´ođ of Fir stems in the plant community
of Beech anđ Fir In the management unit of Ravna Gora.


1. Also in the plant communitv of Fir and Beech (Fagetum abietetosum Horv.)
the Fir tree species achieves culmination of its diameter increment. In the management
unit of »Ravna Gora« this culmination oecurs at diameters b. h. between 75 and
95 cm. whereafter the diameter increment decreases. The decreasing is the faster the
later the culmination sets in (at the larger d. b. h.).
2. Also in the plant communitv of Beech with Fir, the Fir achieves the minimum
time of recruitment which corresponds to the culmination of the average annual
diameter increment. In the investigated compartments of the management unit of
»Ravna Gora« the latter ranges between 7.5 and 9.8 years.
3. The diameter increment of Fir depends upon exposure. On the warm (S and
W) aspects the culmination of diameter increment — other conditions remaining the
same — sets in earlier, which still asks for a more thorough study.
4. When determining Fir increment it is necessary to establish in each compartment
whether and at wh:ch d. b. h. culm´nation of increment (maturitv) of Fir
trees sets in. Therefore it will be necessary to take increment cores of a greater
number of thickest Fir stems.