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ŠUMARSKI LIST 10/1958 str. 22     <-- 22 -->        PDF

4. Kod intenzivne njege sastojina i jakih proreda u krošnjama gornjeg
sloja sastojina treba obrezivati grane na donjoj česti stabala.

Badoux E.: Quelques remarques concernant 1´ importance des pertes dues ä 1´ elimination
naturelle en forets, lie Congres Rome 1953, Firenze 1954.
2. Benić R.: Širina goda kao činilac kakvoće poljske jasenovine, Šumarstvo, br. 9,
1955, Beograd. 4 \o\f\
Benić R.: Istraživanja o učešću i nekim fizičkim svojstvima bijeli i srži poljskog
jasena, Glasnik za šumske pokuse, knj. XII, 1956, Zagreb.
Burger H.: Ertragskundliche Grundlagen zur Frage der Massen-— und Qualitätsholzerzeugung,
Schweiz. Z. Forstw., Nr. 4, 1951, Zürich.
5. Hiley W. E.: Woodland Management, 1954, London.
6. Lončar I.: Njega šuma proredom, 1951, Zagreb.
7. Plavšić M.: Debljinski rast i prirast poljskog jasena, Šumarski list, br. 9—10,
1956´, Zagreb.
8. Schreiber
M.: Massenmässige Ertragssteigerung durch Waldpflege, Zbl. ges.
Forstw., 1955, Wien.
9. Viney R.: Multiplicity
des facteurs de production, Rev. for. frang., No. 2, 1955,
10. Šum. društvo NRH: Mali šumarsko-tehnički priručnik, Zagreb 1949.

The author presents some data by foreign authors about the influence of stand
tending (cleanings and thinings) on the quantitative production of the standing

The author thinks that in the autochtonous mixed stands by means of a proper
regulation of the distribution of species it is possible — to some extent — to influence
the quantitative production of the woody matter.

The influence of the tending on the quality of the standing stock and especially
on the diameter increment is being illustrated with two examples taken from the
mixed stands of Pedunculate Oak, Narrow-leaved Ash and Lowland Elm of the forests
in the Sava plains. Both stands are nearly of the same age, thinned by crown
thinnings with nearly the same intensity but treating in a different way the Pedunculate
Oak and the Narrow-leaved Ash. In the stand where priority is given to the
Narrow-leaved Ash its mean d. b. h. is 37,0 cm., while in the other stand where priority
is given to the Pedunculate Oak the mean d. b. h. of the Ash is 31,0 cm. The
mean d. b. h. of the Pedunculate Oak in the first stand amounts to 21,1 cm., in the
second 27,8 cm.

With the application of more intensive treatments of the crowns of dominant
stand storey the diameter increment will be stimulated, the merchantable dimensions
achieved in a shorter period and thus the rotation itself shortened.

With a proper relation towards the auxiliary tree species (in lowland forests:
White and Grey Poplar, White Willow and black Alder, in sub-montane forests:
Aspen and Birch) we are increasing the finacial effect of the intermediate yields.