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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1958 str. 16     <-- 16 -->        PDF

Analysing a well-managed forest of the Littoral Beech it was established that
the share of the technical timber in the total volume of standing crop amounts to
54%, and even to 70% if mining timber is included.

As regards the forest of the Littoral Beech it is possible and necessary to
introduce into it conifers as Silver Fir and Spruce. Silver Fir can be considered
as a species which is to be grown in the stand together with Beech while Spruce
as an improvement species in openings.

We can distinguish between three characteristic zones in which Silver Fir
can be grown:

1) A zone in which the Silver Fir can be established under the crowns of
Beech by sowing, and raised enjoying favourable microclimatic conditions under
the Beech stand. Diameter growth of Silver Fir finishes with 10—15 cm., and it does
not seed at all.

2) A higher zone, in which occurs the natural regeneration of Silver Fir from
higher regions. It grows there only to the crown height of the Beech and then finishes
abruptly its growth in height and in diameter.(20—30 cm. d. b. h.) without seeding
at all.

3) The highest zone, where Silver Fir propagates naturally occupying more
favourable places in the stand and establishing mixed stands with Beech in groups
or stem-wise, while the trees produce seeds.

On the basis of the increment and quality analyses of the diameter classes
as well as by their mutual comparison it was established that the Beech even after
a high decrease of increment does not degrade in quality. In contrast Silver Fir
and Spruce after the decrease of their increment — and even earlier — degrade also
in quality, so that for these two species it is necessary to establish for individual
site classes by a quality analysis the limits of the rotation.


Ing. Boris Regent — Rijeka


U pogledu florističkog sastava šuma, priobalno područje Kvarnerske
oblasti spada među najzanimljivije krajeve naše domovine. Na razmjerno
neznatnim prostranstvima razvijene su ovdje različite šumske zadruge.
Idući od mora prema unutrašnjosti, te se zadruge nižu od sredozemske do
visokoplaninske šumske vegetacije.

Geološki je veći dio ovog područja sastavni dio t. zv. krške, a daleko manji,
eocenske formacije. Teren se od mora naglo uzdiže do 200—300 m nad morem, a
potom postepeno do nekih 700 m. Veoma česti su karakteristični nadzemni kraški
fenomeni: doći, doline, vrtače, uvale i drugo.

Kvarnerski bazen se nalazi na granici dvaju klimatskih područja: sredozemskog
i pontskog. Tipična je razlika u klimi obala i unutrašnjosti. Blažu klimu imaju niži
predjeli, oštriju viši. Štetno djelovanje bure osjeća se manje-više u čitavom području.
Velika disproporcija postoji između oborina i otjecanja vode. Uzrok toj
pojavi su jaka evaporacija i priroda kraškog terena. Nestašicu površinskih voda
uvjetuje geotektonski sastav kraške formacije. Oborine su veoma obilne (god. prosjek:
Rijeka 1593 mm, Opatija 1726 mm, Veprinac 2053 mm, Učka 3170 mm). Njihova
razdioba tokom godine je nepovoljna, naročito u odnosu na vegetacijski period. Tako
na pr. na proljeće otpada od 25,0—29,4% ukupnih godišnjih oborina, a na ljeto tek
16,5—17,0%. Najviše oborina pada u jesen (32,4—38,8%).