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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1957 str. 44     <-- 44 -->        PDF


In this (paper the thickness of bark of our most important oaks in Croatia

i. e. Quercus pedunculata, Ehrh. and Quercus sessiliflora, Sm. is dealt with. iThe
bark thickness at ibreast height was measured with the Swedish bark gauge (See
FSg. U).
A large number of observations was mađe i. e. 8.400 on Quercus pedunculata
and 4.415 on Quercus sessiliflora. The data collected were grouped according
to the diiameter oulside bark (D), and the average value of bark thicknesa tor
each of the 6 — cm. classes (r) was computed (See Tables 4 and 5). :

In applying the method of least lsquares the tfollowing results were obtained:

1. The average double bark thickness (r) at breast height is expressed by the
equations of the straight lines:
a) Q u e r c u s pedunculata (The Slavonian average)

rr = 0,066231 D + 0,498366 (1)

b) Quercus pedunculata IfThe average of Liipovljani district)

r n = 0,052326 D + 0,853898 (2)

c) Q u e r c u ,s sessiliflora /(The (Slavonian average)

*HI - 0,048777 D + 1,179431 (3)

2. The relationship foetween the diameter outside bark (D) anđ the diarneter
inside bark (d) V/as ifouod to be as follows:
Quercus pedunculata -- + o = 1,0864 ~- 0,0012

Ouercus sessiliflora ---± a = 1,0818 + 0,0016

These relations are useful for the determination of the diameter increment
in terms of diameter autside bark as well as for the determination of volume
increment In order to obtain the diameter increment including bark increment it is
only necesary to multiply the coefficient »

l" d l w^^ diameter increment inside bark.


3. The« relationship -~- ± 0 as to the fbelow mentioned tepeicies was found to
a) Quercus ipedunculata 0,9204 + 0,0012
b) Quercus sessiliflora 0,9243 + 0,0015

4. The ratio-p.- varies along( the whole length of the stem. That is the treason
be as follows:
why the M e y e r´s formula |P = |´ ~ ~fv l´^°I


for the bark volume in Vo.