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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1956 str. 52     <-- 52 -->        PDF

1. Srednji sadržaj vode istraživanih stabala iznosi 73,7 ± 15,9%.
2. Maksimalni sadržaj vode nalazi se po sredini stabla odakle opada
prema vrhu i prema panju. Sadržaj vode na panju manji je nego pri
vrhu stabla.
3. Sadržaj vode opada od periferije prema centru stabla. Razlike
sadržaja vode perifernih i centralnih dijelova stabla nisu velike. Na panju
je sadržaj vode u centralnim dijelovima veći nego u perifernim. Nema
velike razlike između sadržaja vode na sjevernoj i južnoj strani stabla.

Kollmann , F.: Technologie des Holzes und der Holzwerkstoffe. Zweiter Band.
Berlin Göttingen-Heidelberg-München, 1955.
2. ANC Bulletin-Klin certification.
3. Trendelenburg , R.: Das Holz als Roh und Werkstoff. München-Berlin 1939.
Torgeson , O. W.: Schedules for the kiln drying of wood. No D1791 F PL
Forest Service US dept. of. Agric. Madison. USA.

The aim of this work was to investigate on the moisture content in the living
Beech-tree (Fagus silvatica L.) and the moisture content distribution in the longitudinal
and transversal direction.

There were taken 4 sample trees in thee region »Barice« forest district Pakrac.
The north sidee was marked on all sample trees.
From each sample tree theere were taken sections every 4 m. begining from
the stump.

From this sections were made 146 samples for determination of the moisture
content. The samples were taken from each zone containing 10 annual rings and they
were veighed on a special balance immediately after the tree was felled. The average
weight of the green samples was 41,97 g.

In the 4,10 m. height up the each stump there were taken sections from which
were made 107 samples of the size 2 cm. X 2 cm. X 3 cm. used for the determination
of the annual ring width and specific gravity.

The samples for moisture content determination after having been a few days
in the laboratory were ovendried: 8 h at temperature of 40—50° C, 8 h at the temperature
60—70" C and finally at the temperature of 100" C up to the constant
weight. Oven-dried samples were weighed with an accuracy of 0,01 g and the dimensions
measured with an accuracy of 0,1 mm. From these data the moisture content
of samples was computed.

On the sample of the size 2 cm. X 2 cm. X 3 cm. the annual ring width was
measured. Samples were oven dried in the same way as it was done at the moisture
content determination. Oven-dried samples were weighed with an accuracy
of 0,01 g and dimensions measured with an accuracy of 0,1 mm. From these data
the annual ring width, specific gravity and standard deviations were computed.

The results are given in the tables 2,3 and 4 and following conclusions can
drawn out:
1) The average moisture content Beechwood investigated was 73,7 + 15,9
per cent.

2) The maximum moisture content takes place in the midle of the tree which
point it decreases in both directions to the stump and top. The moisture content
on the stump is smaller than near the tree top.

3) The moisture content decreases, except on the stump, from the periphery
to the tree centre, but the differences between the moisture content of periphery and
the tree centre are not so great. There exist no essencial difference between the
moisture content of wood taken from northern and southern side of tree.