prilagođeno pretraživanje po punom tekstu

ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1955 str. 297     <-- 297 -->        PDF

Jubilee issue of the Forestry Review Contents:

Ugrenovi ć A.: The first decade of forestry in socialist Yugolavia (1945´—
1955) — Špiranec M.: Seed husbandry — Dragi ši ć P.: The problem of developing-
and tending young .stads of Beech and Sessile Oak in PR Croatia — Podhorsk
i I.: Advance in growing poplars in PR Croatia — Horva t I.: Eight years
of research and mapping vegetation in the Gorski Kotar (Montain District) and the
Croatian Littoral — Z i a n i P.: Plant sociology — basis of modern forestry —
Peterne l J.: Forest communications in PR Croatia — Vajd a Z.: Ten years of
afforestation and melioration work in PR Croatia — S

in PR Croatia — S m i 1 a j I.: Forest management in PR Croatia Franci škovi
ć S.: Timber industries in PR Croatia — Cvitova c V.: Organisation of
Forest Service in PR Croatia — Horva t I.: Research work carried out in Forestry
Department, Fakulty of Agriculture and Forestry, Zagreb University, 1945—1955 —
Horva t A.: Institute for experimental forestry — Šafa r J.: Survey of ten years
of development and activity of the Insitute for forestry and game management,
research — Franci s kovi ć S.: Institute for Timber industry research — N e i d-
hard t N.: Graduates in forestry in PR Croatia 1860—1955 — Ruži ć J.: The
Society of Forestry Students of Zagreb University in the decade 1945—1955 — Srdi ć
D.: Review of the situation and activity in the game husbandry from the Liberation
up to present day — Šafa r J.: Natural graft between roots — Vajd a Z.: Condition
of Beech stands on Mount Učka — Kišpati ć J.: Resistance of Ash brown
heart to fungi — Klepa c D.: Increment determination by the method of cores —
B e n i ć R.: Considerations on the yielding rate of round timber in making railway
sleepers — Androi ć M.: New aspects of the biological control of noxious insects.

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održat će se dana 5. maja 1956. god. u Zagrebu.
(0 svemu ostalom bit će članovi pravovremeno obaviješteni.)