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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/1955 str. 35     <-- 35 -->        PDF

16. Schmie d H.: Über die österreichische Schwarzkiefer. Centralblatt f. d.
g. Forstwesen, p. 189-199, 1929.
17. V i d a k o v i ć M.: Prilog poznavanju anatomije iglica kod nekih srodnih
borova. Glasnik za šum. pokuse, tor. 11, Zagreb, 1953.
18. Vidakovi ć M.: Prilog poznavanju oblika vrste Pinus halepensis Mili.
»Šumarski list«, str. 11-18, Zagreb, 1953.
19. V i d a k o v i ć M.: Oblici crnog bora u Jugoslaviji na temelju anatomije
iglica. Glasnik ;za šum. pokuse br. 12 (u štampi).
20. V i s i a n i R.: Flora Dalmatica sive Enumeratio stirpium vascularium quas
hactenus in Dalmatia lectas et šibi observatas đescripsit digessit rariorumque iconibus
illustravit. I. svez. Lipsiae, 1842.
21. Zan g W.: Die Anatomie der Kiefernadel und ihre Verwendung zur systematischen
Gliederung der Gattung Pinus. Dissert. Giessen, 1904.

. The Pinus nigra species in Yugoslavia has been investigated on the basis of
anatomical structure of its needles. It has been established that the structure of
needles is a very characteristic indication in the determination of individual races.
Based on the structure of needles the following races has been established:

1. Pinus nigra ssp. Pallasiana
2. Pinus nigra ssp. gočensis
3. Pinus nigra ssp. gočensis var. illyrica
4. Pinus nigra ssp. dalmatica
6. Pinus nigra ssp. austriaca.
The investigations are represented in detail in a special paper (»Annales pro
experimentis foresticis«, Vol. 12, in the press) while in this article only a few characteristics
of the needle structure in individual races are presented. From the diagrammatic
representations it is visible that the structure of needles of these races
is different. With regard to the structure of needles, it is possible to establish that
the ssp. dalmatica and ssp. gočensis are xerophilous races. After them follws the
ssp. austriaca while the ssp. gočensis and var. illyrica are the last in the sequence

i. e. they are more mesophilous races.
In this paper is also represented the altitudinal distribution of Pinus nigra

1. Ssp. dalmatica 3001—620 m above sea-level;
2. Ssp. Pallasiana 250—1200 m above sea-level;
3. Ssp. austriaca 550—900 m above sea-level;
4. Ssp. gočensis 950—1100 m above sea-level;
5. SSp. gočensis var. illyrica (400) 800—1450 m above sea-level.
These investigations on the distribution of Pinus nigra species are not yet
closed and should be completed.